Priority access to the newest exercises Screen recording of your game and aim training sessions For free via the optional GG Moments App Enhanced game audio with personalized game-specific presets For free via the optional GG Sonar App Download 3D Aim Trainer Compatible with Windows 10+...
When it comes to aim trainer routines there is one golden rule you need to follow in order to really improve your aim and benefit from the service we provide: Frequent daily training will give better results than training once a week for 5 hours straight. That’s why it’s called a rout...
Yprac Aim Trainer does a great job of simulating many different in-game aiming scenarios. This map is great for players who already have good fundamental aim, and want to break through to a new level. Why Yprac Aim Trainer is Great for Aim Training Great for high-level aimers A wide var...
OW、CSGO等都不缺练枪图,但是运行门槛太高,不够便携,这是我做这个Aim Sensei的初衷(求不吐槽名字,AimMaster啥的已经被人用了( ´_ゝ`))AimHero、AimLab、AimTrainer等练枪软件我也用过,但基本都不能让我满意,因为它们的练枪形式、手感都和实际的fps游戏不太贴切,所以AimSensei里主要是人形靶子,并且靶子走位...
记录下yprac a..三射击,无后座模式,68.18S,94%准确率。图好像发不了不知道为什么,图上传不了,算了,就单纯文字记录下吧
If you constantly find yourself losing aim battles then practicing your aim will benefit you. Try3D Aim Trainer— a free platform where you can play hundreds of exercises designed to improve your aim, reaction time, muscle memory, crosshair control and more. They also have an Academy where you...
Aim Champ is an aim training tool for mobile FPS games. It features many effective training tasks to improve your aiming skills, and is compatible with most of…
multitasking: can also be very hard, which may lead you to adjust your playstyle to compensate for weaknesses. Aimer also defines the ability of pure mouse-motion as mouse control. Aim trainers like KovaaKs FPS Aim Trainer allow you to further develop this skill. But it is important to not...
trainingaimaim-trainingaim-trainer UpdatedMay 9, 2024 GDScript TaylorIsBlue/Aimmy-CUDA Star13 Universal Second Eye for Gamers with Impairments (Universal AI Aim Aligner - ONNX/YOLOv8 - CUDA - C#) cudanvidiaaimimpairmentsdisability-assistance ...