大家练枪都用的啥软件啊?我用了一个月apex aim trainer了,感觉里面的枪手感太怪了,灵敏度跟apex设置的一样,但练枪软件里总会快一点,命中率到27%之后就没变过了,有时候稀碎到22%,到了游戏里也没感觉到任何实质性的提升 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-11-29 16:23回复 燃...
1 进入Apex Aim Trainer,出现菜单界面。找到如下图的“键盘绑定”2 找到如下图“瞄准类型”设置,点开选项栏 3 如下图,选择为“切换”4 滑到底找到“返回”(开发偷懒,连个esc退出都没弄0.0)5 效果如下图,只需按一下右键即可开镜,不过打完换弹又需要再次开镜。
“Apex Aim Trainer is a FPS training program for players to improve their skills. This game needs to continuously evolve its content based on player feedback. Early access will help me build relationship to FPS players and let me know what you guys need. Another reason is I'm working alone...
21 -- 13:02 App APEX AIM TRAINER DAY4 49 3 22:01 App APEX AIM TRAINER DAY2 77 -- 1:06 App APEX AIM TRAINER DAY5 53 -- 11:07 App APEX AIM TRAINER DAY5 24 -- 11:41 App APEX AIM TRAINER DAY3 40 -- 1:04 App trash aim 74 -- 10:01 App bandicam ...
To Get Better Aim In Apex, Do This: As this is a high time-to-kill game, targets require you to shoot longer at them. To practice for this scenario you need 3D Aim Trainer because it gives you access to training routines with the most suitable exercises. ...
Kovaak是练整体的 比如空中跟枪 或者定位 aim train是专项训练 两个都要买来练 但是最好是弄个apex社区服 来自iPhone客户端12楼2021-09-10 15:32 收起回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
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Free Aim Trainer Helping more than 12 million FPS Gamers Improve their Aim. Practice and Test your Aim performance online. No Installation Required.
Play 3D Aim Trainer to improve your aim skills and get better in the top FPS games. Download & start training for free to get pro aim faster.