Our main market listing services Once your business continues to grow, you may be looking to list on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. We have particular expertise in taking investment entities to the main market, offering a comprehensive and cost-effective service. Related services N...
Our AIM admission experts can help and advise your company at each and every stage of achieving an AIM listing. Review of appropriateness of flotation and choice of stock market. Time-schedule, planning and budgeting of the transaction. Preparation and review of business plan and financial model....
Social Science Electronic PublishingMueller, E. and Garnsey, E., 2009. Stockmarket Listing and Cleantech Business Development: Evidence from AiM. CTM Working Papers. Cambridge, University of Cambridge.MULLER, M. & GARNSEY, E. (2009) Stockmarket listing and cleantech business development; evidence ...
...34 一、英国AIM市场简介 英国AIM市场(AlternativeInvestmentMarket,“另类投资市场”,伦交所 官方中文翻译为“高增长市场”),创建于1995年,是继美国纳斯达克后欧洲 第一个独立管理运行的高成长市场,由伦敦证券交易所(LondonStockExchange, LSE)负责监 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 呵呵...
25附1:英国AIM上市规则 34附2:AIM市场保荐人名单 一、英国AIM市场简介 英国AIM市场(Alternative Investment Market,“另类投资市场”,伦交所官方中文翻译为“高增长市场”),创建于1995年,是继美国纳斯达克后欧洲第一个独立管理运行的高成长市场,由伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange,LSE)负责监管和运营。AIM自成立...
23 附1:英国AIM上市规则 25 附2:AIM市场保荐人名单 34 一、英国AIM市场简介英国AIM市场(Alternative Investment Market,“另类投资市场”,伦交所官方中文翻译为“高增长市场”),创建于1995年,是继美国纳斯达克后欧洲第一个独立管理运行的高成长市场,由伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange,LSE)负责监管和运营。AIM...
英国AIM市场资料汇总 英国AIM市场资料汇总 投资管理部
ThepurposeofthisreportistoillustratetheinternationalnatureofAIMbylistingasinglecountryofoperationandcountryofincorporationforeachcompanyquotedonAIM. Forthepurposesofthisreport,maincountryofoperationisdeemedtobethegeographicallocationfromwhichanAIMcompanyderives,orintendstoderive,thelargestproportionofitsrevenuesorwherethela...
The Alternative Investment Market (AIM) is a sub-market of theLondon Stock Exchange(LSE) that is designed to help smaller companies access capital from the public market. AIM allows these companies to raise capital by listing on a public exchange with much greater regulatory flexibility than the ...
Tiberon Minerals Ltd, based in Calgary, is planning shortly to move its main stock-market listing from the Canadian Venture Exchange to the Toronto Stock Exchange, and at around the same time to seek a secondary listing on London's Alternative Investment Market. Visiting London last week, the ...