This map is inspired by one of the most iconic CS2 locations,Dust 2. You’ll find here the same style of environment and also the same bots. You stay in the center of a relatively open space and shoot opponents running from different directions. Change settings for your aim training CS2 ...
- 透視系統整合 - 自動瞄準功能 - 多功能輔助選項 使用說明 1. 啟動CS2遊戲 2. 在遊戲大廳介面時 3...
- C4計時器 - 爆頭線提示 - 命中音效 - 反截圖保護 - 反直播偵測 使用教學 1. 啟動遊戲 2. 以...
This map is great for those who already have the basics down. This map is essentially Aim lab built into CS: GO and therefore offers many of the same basic training game modes. Yprac Aim Trainer does a great job of simulating many different in-game aiming scenarios. This map is great fo...
Overwatch 2 The aim practice platform with the most advanced statistics and analytics Benchmark yourself against real humans: test and improve your mouse accuracy, click speed, reaction time, and tons of other performance indicators. Trackyourprogressover time ...
Map By iLL Map By Uncredited Map By iLL Map By iLL Browsing 'aim_' Maps aim_ Map N/A THIS MAP IS REUPLOADET THE OLD DUST 2 FROM CS:GO FOR CS:S By BLLODY 01/24/2024 5,919 Map N/A CS GO MIRAGE MAP FOR CSS THIS MAP IS NEW MIRAGE NO BUG FOUNDET V1.0 ...
code=aY7bQz67ZrE3(访问码:ak2y) cs2_aim_f 版本 可能发生的错误 处理方法 1.热身完记得关闭启动项 -insecure 2.如果地图加载不正确(机器人移动、作弊CYARs不起作用、只有9个机器人等),您可以通过打开控制台并输入以下内容来解决问题: exec cs2_aim.cfg map cs2_aim 如果这不起作用,重新启动游戏。一旦你...
Any CS2 (CS:GO) enthusiast will confirm that the significance of fine-tuning every aspect of your gaming setup to increase fair competitive advantage is undeniable. When it comes to optimizing your mouse movements and aiming accuracy, the right gaming mousepad can make a difference. If you are...
A Bhop cheat is your answer to unhindered movement. Say goodbye to regular movement speed and welcome a world where you can jump and move with such swiftness that enemies find it hard to track, let alone aim at you. With Bhop enabled, you can dart around the map with an agility that ...