Lab Edition is a 54-gram wireless gaming mouse with a pro-tested form factor, 36,000-dpi ROG AimPoint optical sensor, ROG SpeedNova wireless technology, tri-mode connectivity, ROG Micro Switches, five programmable buttons, and synergy profile setting functions with the Aim Lab Settings Optimizer...
Aim Lab Settings Optimizer 智能最佳化滑鼠設定:協同軟體分析使用者強項及遊戲風格,為玩家量身打造滑鼠設定 輕量級 54 g設計:嚴格細膩的工程設計和創新的生物基尼龍材質,大幅減輕滑鼠重量 ROG AimPoint 光學感測器:新一代 36,000-dpi 光學感測器具有領先業界的 < 1% cpi 偏差,提供極致精確程度 ...
在steam中下载AIMLAB软件,进入后登录账号。点击自定义页签,选择settings optimizer,进入鼠标测试选项。通过AIMLAB,可以对鼠标的游戏性能进行测试和设置。四、使用总结 总体来说,经过一段时间的使用,ROG龙鳞Ace AimLab合作版是一款做工精致、握感舒适,而且仅重54g的专业无线电竞鼠标。AimPoint 36K旗舰级传感器、Spee...
Aim Lab Settings Optimizer: Die Synergistic Software analysiert die Stärken und Spielstile der Nutzer und passt die Mauseinstellungen individuell an den Spieler an Leichtes 54-Gramm-Design: Extreme Gewichtsreduzierung durch sorgfältige Technik und innovative Konstruktion aus biobasiertem Nylonma...
Aim Lab Settings Optimizer: Synergistic software analyzes user strengths and play styles to tailor mouse settings uniquely to the player Lightweight 54-gram design: Extreme weight reduction through meticulous engineering and innovative bio-based nylon material construction ROG AimPoint optical sensor: Next...
Pro-Tested Form Factor: Mouse shape co-developed with esports professionals to ensure maximum stability and control when flicking and tracking Aim Lab Settings Optimizer: Synergistic software analyzes user strengths and play styles to tailor mouse sett
Aim Lab Settings Optimizer: Synergistic software analyzes user strengths and play styles to tailor mouse settings uniquely to the player Lightweight 54-gram design: Extreme weight reduction through meticulous engineering and innovative bio-based nylon material construction ROG AimPoint optical sensor: Next...
unique. The Aim Lab Settings Optimizer helps determine what yours are and then helps set the Harpe Ace to play to your strengths. The software guides you through a series of specially designed tasks and analyzes your FPS gaming habits, then suggests...
点击自定义页签,选择settings optimizer,进入鼠标测试选项。 通过AIMLAB,可以对鼠标的游戏性能进行测试和设置。 四、使用总结 总体来说,经过一段时间的使用,ROG龙鳞Ace AimLab合作版是一款做工精致、握感舒适,而且仅重54g的专业无线电竞鼠标。AimPoint 36K旗舰级传感器、SpeedNova无线技术、ROG 微动开关、持久续航,以及...
三模连接技术,ROG SpeedNova无线技术,且2.4G模式下的轮询率同样可以达到1000Hz,全键可编程,与AimLab Settings Optimizer协同配置文件设置功能等,我们后面聊。 硬件已堆砌至此,那么使用体验如何呢? 灯效点到为止,多键使用体验佳 大道至简,鼠标至极简基本上就是龙鳞ACE这样了吧?仅保留了滚轮键的透光性,没错,只有滚...