What is the best aim routine in Aim Lab? Now, there are multiple different Aim Lab routines, or tasks, that players can go through. However, we shortlisted the eight most useful ones that are sure to help you improve in Valorant specifically. Those eight routines are Headshot, Gridshot, ...
AimLabs灵敏度:1600*0.125(val) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-RqXedWxl Demon1 *NEW* FULL Aim Routine (2024) - YouTube 游戏 网络游戏 NRG FPS Valorant 无畏契约 AimLabs Demon1 瞄准清单 职业选手 NRG-Demon1发消息 "El Diablo is dead, there's a new king of hell." ...
我觉得现在我有很严重的问题就是我基本上是靠手腕,然后800x0.36,我喜欢在鼠标握在鼠标垫的最左边的一个小区域,一旦我需要手臂大幅度转向甩枪定位,我的手腕就很别扭,定位就很差。 3月前·四川 13 分享 回复 展开3条回复 🌈qaq🌈 ... 练不了育苗,我觉得育苗更重要 ...
Consistency is the key to improving aim. A dedicated practice routine will gradually build muscle memory and refine your shooting mechanics. Allocate time daily to practice shooting inValorant’sShooting Rangeor aim trainers. Focus on short, high-quality practice sessions rather than long, mindless h...
AimLabs灵敏度:1600*0.125(val) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-RqXedWxl Demon1 *NEW* FULL Aim Routine (2024) - YouTube游戏 网络游戏 FPS NRG Valorant 无畏契约 AimLabs Demon1 瞄准清单 职业选手 NRG-Demon1 发消息 "El Diablo is dead, there's a new king of hell."...
CS:GO: Warmup Routine 10min, created by JusTT. Valorant: Immortal Valorant Prac, created by Defyed. Emma Matthews As PC Gamer's guides writer, Emma is usually juggling several games at once. She loves competitive first-person shooters like CS:GO and Call of Duty, but she always has ...
AimLabs灵敏度:1600*0.125(val) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-RqXedWxl Demon1 *NEW* FULL Aim Routine (2024) - YouTube 游戏 网络游戏 FPS NRG Valorant 无畏契约 AimLabs Demon1 瞄准清单 职业选手 少侠出发了 Demon1展示了他的最新设置 [VALORANT] ...
AimLabs灵敏度:1600*0.125(val) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-RqXedWxl Demon1 *NEW* FULL Aim Routine (2024) - YouTube游戏 网络游戏 NRG FPS Valorant 无畏契约 AimLabs Demon1 瞄准清单 职业选手 Leviatan-Demon1 发消息 "El Diablo is dead, there's a new king of hell." 关注9714 ...
AimLabs灵敏度:1600*0.125(val) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-RqXedWxl Demon1 *NEW* FULL Aim Routine (2024) - YouTube游戏 网络游戏 FPS NRG Valorant 无畏契约 AimLabs Demon1 瞄准清单 职业选手 Leviatan-Demon1 发消息 "El Diablo is dead, there's a new king of hell." 关注9697 ...