AIM High School is a public, online, alternative school located in SNOHOMISH, WA. It has 146 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 21 to 1. According to state test scores, 25% of students are at least proficient in math and 65% in reading. ...
Aim High School Age Care is a child care program that provides a warm and nurturing environment where children can be safe while away from home and their lives will be enriched through creative and stimulating activities. Our hours are from 6:30 am to 6:
Students at Aim High School, Grades 6-12 Students Overview Students 83 Gender Female 27% Male 64% Non-Binary 10% Student Diversity White 71.1% African American 24.1% Asian 2.4% Hispanic 1.2% International 1.2% Multiracial 0% Native American 0% Pacific Islander 0% Unknown 0% Write a Review ...
AIM High SchoolRatings & Reviews PostedDecember 3, 2023Submitted byaparent Small class sizes enable unique learning experiences. Students have music/art experiences that are hard to find in a large school. Most teachers truly care about students, others not as much. Emotional well-being is not ...
Learn to drive with us! Aim High Driving School offers a variety of driving classes for all types of drivers. Beginners will benefit, as well as those who may need extra instruction. Top-Notch Instructors You'll learn to drive from experienced, professio
HQIS offers 14 AP Courses for High School students.AP subjects are college-level courses that require rigorous preparation, and that allow students to get ready for university beforehand by taking college-level tests. Students w...
Aim High, Fly HighAbout Contact Tag Archives: 語言學校 [La France] 巴黎索邦密集班心得 3 Mar 上完索邦冬季密集班也有好一陣子了(新學期都開始了…),趁著在烤鹹派的空檔XD來寫點東西。 在報名隔天做完分班測驗後,就等開學前一兩天學校email通知班別跟上課時間(有時候會跑到垃圾郵件去),我被分到中級...
Aim High, Fly HighAbout Contact Tag Archives: 長期學生簽證 [La France] 法國語言學校申請&長期學生簽證辦理流程與心得 28 Sep 前陣子終於拿到長期學生簽證了, 來分享一下語言學校申請跟長期學生簽證辦理的流程與心得(還有代辦心得XD)。 語言學校 當初在選擇語言學校的時候,因為已經決定去巴黎,因此就在巴黎...
Daphne and Michael thought highly of the school. aim high有点特殊,这里的high由距离引申出比喻的用法。柯林斯字典中,依然将aim high中high归为副词。 而另外一些flat adverb,比如big和small没有对应的ly形式,主流字典也没有承认它们的副词身份,但它们依然创造了很多“金句”。start small和think big即是如此。st...