(including but not limited to text, forms, images, audio, video, trademarks or logos) without AIG’s express written consent. AIG neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Website will not infringe rights of third parties. At any time and for any reason, ...
other means (for example, from your application and claim forms, telephone calls, e-mails and other communications with us, as well as from claim investigators, medical professionals, witnesses or other third parties involved in our business dealings with you). ...
But the proliferation of extreme forms of pop-up ads has given such programs a bad name. Instead of a good way of promoting a product or service on the internet, adware programs have been seen as a hassle that every computer users have begun to dread. And then there are spywares. These...
Glorystar Laser has established branches and service outlets in 30% of the countries and regions around the world to promote the process of global intelligence and has more than 200 patents and certificates. Glorystar Laser adheres to the qua...
The People's Republic of China grants AIG a license to operate a life and non-life insurance business in Shanghai—the first foreign insurer, granted a license in over 40 years by the Chinese government. 1984 AIG begins trading on the New York Stock Exchange. ...