Aiming at youth leadership development, AIESEC provides young people practical experiences in challenging environment, mainly oversea volunteer opportunities, oversea internship opportunities and AIESEC local committee management experiences to unlock their leadership potential。AIESEC Global Talent Program, platform...
AIESEC groups its exchange opportunities into three broad programs: theGlobal Talent Program,Global Volunteer Program, and theGlobal Teacher Program. 1) Global Talent Program TheGlobal Talent Programoffers a longer-term opportunity for exchange participants to develop professionally and personally, with...
Careers at DHL: There are so many job opportunities at DHL. Apply now for jobs working with DHL ✓ Frontline ✓ Office ✓ Students & Graduates
•KnowingexternalenvironmentandhowtheEIcancapitalizetheopportunities andincreasetheimpactonourstakeholders •BuildingEIyearplanthatincorporatesnationaldirection •Workingtowardsthegoalssetoutintheyearplanandsettingactionplansto achievethegoals •MakingstrategicalEIdecisions ...
LeadershipOpportunities GlobalLearningEnvironment TheWaywedoit. YourAIESECExperience [image] ExperientialLeadershipDevelopment GlobalInternship Themostsocialalignedproduct 谢谢西东!此处应有掌声! TeamLeaderProgramme Tobeelite,tobechangeagent Regulations 和你同function的小伙伴分为一组 ...