This allows multiple interfaces to use a parcelable and its C++// equivalent without duplicating the mapping between the C++ and Java types.// Generator will assume bar/foo.h declares class// com::example::android::ExampleParcelableparcelable ExampleParcelable cpp_header "bar/foo.h"; Null ...
The C++ generator needs to know what header defines the C++ parcelable. It learns this from the cpp_header directive shown below. The generator takes this string and uses it as the literal include statement in generated code. The idea here is that you generate your code once, link it into ...
using ::android::aidl::cpp::ClassNames; using ::android::aidl::cpp::HeaderFile; vector<string> headers; for (ClassNames c : {ClassNames::CLIENT, ClassNames::SERVER, ClassNames::RAW}) { headers.push_back(options.OutputHeaderDir() + ...
The C++ generator needs to know what header defines the C++ parcelable. It learns this from the cpp_header directive shown below. The generator takes this string and uses it as the literal include statement in generated code. The idea here is that you generate your code once, link it into ...
parcelable UidRange cpp_header "binder/android/net/UidRange.h";/sprdroid9.0_trunk/system/netd/...
parcelableSurfacecpp_header"gui/view/Surface.h"; @JavaOnlyStableParcelable@NdkOnlyStableParcelableparcelableSurfacecpp_header"gui/view/Surface.h"ndk_header"android/native_window_aidl.h"; 18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions18libs/gui/include/gui/Surface.h ...
()); return true; } bool write_cpp_dep_file(const CppOptions& options, const AidlInterface& interface, const vector<unique_ptr<AidlImport>>& imports, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) { using ::android::aidl::cpp::HeaderFile; using ::android::aidl::cpp::ClassNames; string dep_file_name...
cc_library_static { name: "libbatterymonitor", srcs: ["BatteryMonitor.cpp"], cflags: ["-Wall", "-Werror"], vendor_available: true, recovery_available: true, export_include_dirs: ["include"], shared_libs: [ "libutils", "libbase", ], header_libs: ["libhealthd_headers"], export_he...
- export-header : 根据@export枚举生成一个头文件,用于维护旧代码。 - c++-impl : 生成HIDL接口的C++实现的模板和示例代码(为了方便)。 - c++-impl-headers: c++-impl,但只有头文件。 - c++-impl-sources: c++-impl,但只有源文件。 - c++-adapter : 将一个x.(y+n)接口转换为一个x.y接口的适配...
"aidl_language.cpp", "aidl_language_l.ll", "aidl_language_y.yy", "aidl_typenames.cpp", "aidl_to_cpp.cpp", "aidl_to_java.cpp", "aidl_to_ndk.cpp", "aidl_to_rust.cpp", "ast_cpp.cpp", "ast_java.cpp", "code_writer.cpp", "generate_cpp.cpp", "aidl_to_...