Prochiral allylic amines are reduced as their chlorhydrates using rhodium complexes of various 1.2-, 1.3- and 1.4-diphosphinocompounds with enantiomeric excess (e.e.) up to 60%. The N-acetyl derivatives of the allylic amines are reduced with low e.e.Fahrang, Roya...
Such gridded data fusion is valid compared to the previous methods seen in the literature where each parameter is added to a base map (i.e. bathymetry) at a time without standardizing the units. The sensitivity analysis and the validity of the results itself are in accordance with in situ ...
Freeze–thaw also eliminates the gelatinous consistency of chemical sludge. The filtrates are clear and contain low levels of suspended solids but may have relatively high chemical oxygen demand. To maximize the depth of sludge that can be frozen, it is necessary to freeze the sludge in thin...
This descriptive research captures the productivity and patient effect of a patient mobilization program within an inpatient unit: Does the implementation of a mobility aide (MA) in an acute care hospital increase overall patient mobilizations? Does the use of an MA alleviate the workload of...
This descriptive research captures the productivity and patient effect of a patient mobilization program within an inpatient unit: Does the implementation of a mobility aide (MA) in an acute care hospital increase overall patient mobilizations? Does the use of an MA alleviate the workload of ...
Canadian Journal of BotanyCoulaud, J. 1989. Comparaison de quelques Loganiacees a l'aide des caracteres quantitatifs et qualitatifs de l'anatomie du bois. Can. 1. Bot. 67: 872-878.Coulaud, J. 1989. Comparaison de quelques Loganiacees a l'aide des caracteres quantitatifs et qualitati...
This has implications for the current quality criteria for surgical resection.doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000000991Organisation de Coopération et de Développement EconomiquesAnn SurgAnnals of Surgery
Menard E, Allard M, Michaud Y. 1997. Essai de cartographie du pergelisol discontinu a l'aide d'un SIG: Detroit de Manitounuk, Quebec Nordique, Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 8: 237-244.Kotarba A (1997) Formation of high-mountain talus slopes related to debris...
RatsHypertrophy, Left VentricularDisease Models, AnimalDisease ProgressionIsoenzymesProtein Kinase CElectrophoresis, Polyacrylamide GelPhosphorylationMyocardial ContractionBilateral lesions of ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus induce emotional hyper-reactivity in most rats, but induce mouse-killing behaviour in only ...
Guy MorinDaniel CluisDenis CouillardH. Gérald JonesJean-Maurice Gauthiercanadian journal of civil engineering