[语音识别] kaldi -- aidatatang_200zh脚本解析:构建解码图 node.js 输入:final.mdl & tree & L_disambig.fst & G.fst MachineLP 2021/07/20 5660 [语音识别] kaldi -- aidatatang_200zh脚本解析: run.sh . ./cmd.sh ## You'll want to change cmd.sh to something that will work on your sy...
## 构建解码图 ### mkgraph.sh主要生成了HCLG.fst,后续识别主要利用了三个文件,分别是final.mdl、HCLG.fst、words.txt(从lang文件夹 cp过来)。 utils/mkgraph.sh data/lang_test exp/mono exp/mono/graph||exit1; 流程: 代码语言:javascript 复制 1.将词典L.fst和语言模型G.fst组合(fsttablecompose),然...
Finally, run the script and you will get the speech recognition effect based on aidatatang_200zh corpus as shown in the RESULTS: ./run.sh Note: it is recommended to run the run.sh script one line after another, so as to clearly understand the process at each stage. ...
AI博主 3 公司 北京邮电大学 Ü 简介: 北邮PRIS模式识别实验室陈老师 商务合作 QQ:1289468869 Email:1289468869@qq.com 更多a 微关系 他的关注(753) 粉丝头条官方微博 微博AI 海辛Hyacinth 歸藏的AI工具箱 他的粉丝(83.5万) 进步的球球妞妞妈妈 文献呢数据呢成果呢 Sys瓜小 最爱hikun ...
Aidatatang_200zh is a free Chinese Mandarin speech corpus provided by Beijing DataTang Technology Co., Ltd.The corpus is a subset of a much bigger data (free 1505 hours Chinese Mandarin speech corpus) set which was recorded in the same environment as this open source data. Please visit the...
是从头训练的?在20k的时候观察一下有没有明显attention alignment线
--num-nonsil-states <number of states>(非静音音素的状态数,预设是3) --position-dependent-phones (true|false)(是否开启音素位置标记) --share-silence-phones (true|false)(预设为false,如果为true 所有“silence”音素(比如静音,发声噪声和笑声)的高斯混合模型的概率密度函数都是共享的,只有这些模型之间的...
输入:feats & final.mdl & HCLG.fst 输出:lat.JOB.gz 代码语言:javascript 复制 ## 在dev数据集上执行 steps/decode.sh--cmd"$decode_cmd"--config conf/decode.config--nj10\ exp/mono/graph data/dev exp/mono/decode_dev ## 在test数据集上执行 ...
可选参数: --mfcc-config <mfcc-config-file> default=conf/mfcc.conf,mfcc特征提取相关参数的配置(compute-mfcc-feats) --pitch-config <pitch-config-file> 提取pitch特征相关参数的配置(compute-kaldi-pitch-feats) --pitch-postprocess-config <postprocess-config-file> (process-kaldi-pitch-feats)相关参数的...
data/train data/lang exp/mono exp/mono_ali||exit1; 流程: 代码语言:javascript 复制 1.根据$use_graphs(默认是false)判断是否需要重新构建图1.1compile-train-graphs//使用final.mdl重新构建图2.gmm-align-compiled//对齐3.gmm-boost-silence//模型平滑处理4.steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh--cmd"$cmd...