转并账户 19 absorptioncosting 摊配成本计算法 20 abstract 摘要表 21 abuse 滥用职权 22 abuse of taxshelter 滥用避税项目 23 ACCA 特许公认会计师公会 24 acceleratedcost recoverysystem 加速成本收回制度 25 accelerateddepreciationmethod 加速折旧法 , 快速折旧法 26 acceleration clause 加速偿付条款 , 提前偿付条...
internal rate of return的缩写。 irregularities不符常规,不法行为 指会计记录中的差错或不符合会计原则之处;或指企业管理人员舞弊或盗用资金等违法乱纪行为。 irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信用证 指在信用证上标明“不可撤销”字样,即未经出口企业(即受款人—beneficiary)的同意,不得撤销或修改其内容的信用...
Send a letter to the third party confirming only that the firm prepared the applicable income tax return(s) for the client to meet the client’s tax-filing obligations. The letter should also include a reminder to the third party of their responsibility to perform their own assessment of the...