Meet the challenges of performing quality employee benefit plan (EBP) audits in this unique and complex area. The AICPA has established the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (EBPAQC), a firm-based voluntary membership center for firms that audit EBPs. The AICPA also has audit and acco...
Employee Benefit Plans To help CPAs meet the challenges of performing quality audits in the unique and complex employee benefit plan area. Browse SOC & Third Party Risk Providing updates on current technical issues arising in this area.
(i.e., offerings or sales of securities upon the conversion of outstanding convertible securities or upon the exercise of outstanding warrants or rights, dividend or reinvestment plans, employee benefit plans, transactions involving secondary offerings, and sales of securit...
Why choose Torrillo Associates for your employee benefit plan audit? We are members of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center and are committed to employee benefit plan audit quality.