Repository files navigation README node-openfaas A helper method used to call openfaas functions. usage const OpenFaas = require('@annoai/node-openfaas') const faas = new OpenFaas('http://localhost:8080') const res = await'functionName', 'https://website/image.jpg') About...
安诺AI 机器人入驻中国科学院,为学子带来全新体验!近日,安诺 AI 机器人拉花咖啡吧和 AI 机器人冰淇淋亭惊喜入驻中国科学院大学,坐落在该校新图书馆。这一创新举措为在学海中遨游的莘莘学子们带来了独特的享受。在这里,机器人能够全自动地为学子们制作精美的拉花咖啡以及...
🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time - Anno59/MockingBird
Il costo a carico dei pazienti del percorso per eleggibilità ai farmaci PCSK9 e follow-up di un anno: i risultati dello Studio PRIORBackground: Several health care services are required to get eligibility to PCSK9-inhibitors medicines and the follow-up of patient...
【题目】Man ypeopl ei nhig hschoo lcanno twai tt ogo to colleg eand leav ethei rhometown behind .Questions aris e ,though ,when i tcom e st oal lo fth e decisions involv e di nchoosin g acollege.On eo fth efirst consideration sm a yb efinance.Stat ean dpubli ccolleg e...
【题目】When grow up I want to be a mountai n climber, , my four-year-old son, anno unce. My husband, Jack and are now 1 Cradle mountain. Here the sky is clear and the plants are green. don't know how our hid will progress, but 2 to it a go.Usually some parents, me ...
阅读理解Man ypeopl ei nhigh schoo lcanno twai tto go to college and leave their hometown behind .Questions arise ,though ,when i tcome sto al lo fthe decisions involve di nchoosin g acollege.On eo fth efirs tconsideration sma yb efinance .State an dpubli ccollege sar eoften th ...
The Occident's work of the erasure of the stage according to Jacques Derrida's early writing on Antonin Artaud was related to the sense that a stage is something very different from the traditional theater's use of it as a place where discourse could be illustrated. This is because a ...