AIA provides insurance solutions to both individuals and businesses. Find out more about our services and latest updates.
AIA One Billion Engaging one billion people to live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives by 2030 Making History. Changing Futures. AIA Group celebrates ten years of unmatched impact as the #1MDRT Multinational Company AIA Healthiest Schools Helping students live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives ...
Gain an overview of what makes AIA the largest insurance company in Asia & our commitment to help people live healthier, longer, better lives. Read now!
“I want to be sure we are prepared for the unexpected.” Mr. and Mrs. Li are proud of their family, adore their grandchild and are comfortable with the thought of retiring after what they hope will be another 10 years of success in their work. However, Mr. and Mrs. Li wonder whethe...
AIA Philippines is a leading insurance company that provides comprehensive insurance plans that cover all kinds of life's uncertainties. Find insurance plans that suit you best.
AIA Philippines is a leading insurance company that provides comprehensive insurance plans that cover all kinds of life's uncertainties. Find insurance plans that suit you best.
AIA Philippines is a leading insurance company that provides comprehensive insurance plans that cover all kinds of life's uncertainties. Find insurance plans that suit you best.
1921年,史带先生进军人寿保险市场,在上海创立了友邦人寿保险公司(Asia Life Insurance Company),成为第一家向当地中国人推广人寿保险的外资公司——友邦保险。 1926年,史带先生又回到美国纽约成立了美国国际承保公司(American International Underwriters——AIU),逐步发展为现在大家所熟知的美国国际集团(American International...
AIA保险公司(American International Assurance Company Limited),成立于1919年,总部位于香港,是亚太区领先的人寿保险和金融服务集团。AIA在香港拥有超过80年的历史,是香港及澳门的领先寿险公司之一,为超过340万名客户提供服务。 AIA致力于帮助人们过上更健康、更长寿、更好的生活。公司提供广泛的保险和金融服务产品,包括...
友邦保险的发展历程 1919年,美国人科尼利厄斯·范德·史带(Cornelius Vander Starr)在上海创立一家小型的保险代理公司美亚保险公司(American Asiatic Underwriters),当时只经营财险。1921年,史带先生进军人寿保险市场,在上海创立了友邦人寿保险公司(Asia Life Insurance Company),成为第一家向当地中国人...