AIADOCUMENTA201-1997 ©1997AIA® AIADOCUMENTA201-1997 INSTRUCTIONS TheAmericanInstitute ofArchitects 1735NewYorkAvenue,N.W. Washington,D.C.20006-5292 INSTRUCTIONS GeneralConditionsoftheContractforConstruction Copyright©1997bytheAmericanInstituteofArchitects.Reproductionofthematerialhereinorsubstantialquota- tio...
1.GENERALCONDITIONS TheGeneralConditionsoftheContractforConstruction,AIA DocumentA201,1997Edition,Articles1through14inclusive,is apartofthisContractandisincorporatedasfullyasifhereinset forth.Forbrevity,AIADocumentA201isalsoreferredtointhe ContractDocumentscollectivelyasthe"GeneralConditions." ...
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common conditions seen by general practitioners, representing a significant healthcare cost burden [1]. In the USA alone there are an estimated seven million physician visits and one million emergency department visits each year specifically for UT...
On building projects in the United States, the most commonly used general conditions document is AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) published the first general conditions document in 1911. A201–2007 is the sixteenth ...
Louis Kervran in France had presented the idea thaE sodium and potassium were changing into each other under certain natural conditions ; this meanl , of course, Erans,-nr.ttation. l{e thought, of course, thar is natural; but an},rray, for mod_ ern science to recognize this is a ...