The provisions of this Attachment shall delete, modify and supplement the provisions contained in the "Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect,’’ AIA Document B101, 2017. The provisions contained in this Attachment will supersede any conflicting provisions of the AIA Document.The...
101 752 34 31,456 Percentage of total 19% 2% 77% 2% – 100% ANNUAL REPORT 2020 033 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REVIEW GROUP CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER'S REVIEW Policyholder and Shareholder Investments US$ millions, unless otherwise stated Participating funds and Other participating business with ...
The new normative framework established by the Law No 101/2016 in the matter of judicial means of appeal brings some significant mutations, but, at the same time, takes over some pro...
operations and offe 101、rings.Regional wellness research that employs research instruments such as Online Diary In-depth Interviews,Quantitative Survey and Expert Interviews Consumer Trends Research Customer Relationship Survey(CRS)Real-time Customer Survey(RCS)Physical Health Mental Health and Wellness ...
if interest rates on USD and NTD denominated borrowings had been 1% higher/lower with all other variables held constant, post-tax profit for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019 would have been $89 and 101 lower/higher, respectively, mainly as a result of higher/lower interest...
(12,101) 15,354 3,414 793 102 21,415 純利 可供出售金融資產的 公平值收益 於出售時轉撥至收入的 可供出售金融資產的 公平值收益 外幣換算調整 分佔聯營公司的其他 全面收入 ╱(開支) ––– 3,019 –– 10 3,029 –––– 2,599 – 18 2,617 –––– (47) –– (47) ––––– ...