AI21’s technology allows us to create around- the-clock availability,serve contextual information quickly… and help us stand at the forefront of fintech innovation. CEO One Zero AI21 provided valuable assistance in defining and exploring a range of use-casesthat deliver tangible business benefits...
Step 8: Set AI21 API Key Add your AI21 API key to the .env file under the key name AI21_API_KEY: AI21_API_KEY=your_api_key_here Step 9: Serve the Application Start the Laravel development server: php artisan serve Visit http://localhost:8000/login in your browser and log in wit...
Jamba-Instruct model API endpoints can be created in AI Studio projects to Azure Machine Learning workspaces in EastUS2 and Sweden Central. If you want to use the model in prompt flow in project or workspaces in other regions, you can use the API and key as a connectio...
选择“部署”以打开模型的无服务器 API 部署窗口。 也可从 AI Studio 中的项目开始启动部署。 在项目的左侧边栏中,选择“组件”>“部署”。 选择“+ 创建部署”。 搜索并选择 AI21 模型(例如AI21 Jamba 1.5 Large或AI21 Jamba 1.5 Mini或AI21 Jamba Instruct)以打开模型的详细信息页面。 Note Amazon Bedrock returns the response identifier (id) as an integer value. Code example This examples shows how to call theA2I AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 Midmodel. importboto3importjson brt = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime') ...
private AiApiKeyService apiKeyService; // TODO @新:chatModelService 和 apiKeyService 可以放到 33 行的 chatModalService 后面。尽量保持,想通类型的变量在一块。例如说,Service 一块,Mapper 一块。 @Override public Long createKnowledgeMy(AiKnowledgeCreateMyReqVO createReqVO, Long userId) { public Lo...
src/App.js for create-react-app export default function App() { return ( <EnhanceAIProvider apiKey={"YOUR_API_KEY"}> {/* REST OF YOUR APP */} </EnhanceAIProvider> ); } 20. Blockade Blockade Labs 使用户能够从文本创建 360 度艺术图像。 体验地址: Skybox Lab 21. E2B GitHub 地址:...
By choosing View API request, you can get a code example of how to invoke the model using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) with the current example prompt. You can follow the code examples in the Amazon Bedrock documentation to access available models using AW...
JEP 452:密钥封装机制 API 介绍一种用于密钥封装机制(Key Encapsulation Mechanism,简称KEM)的API,这是一种使用公钥加密来保护对称密钥的加密技术。 预览阶段功能 JEP 430:字符串模板(预览) 使用字符串模板(String Templates)增强Java编程语言。字符串模板通过将文本与嵌入的表达式和模板处理器耦合来生成专门的结果,从而...