通过经济实惠的硬件和简单的说明,您可以将任何标准仪表变成智能设备。 让我们探索如何让 **AI on the Edge** 成为现实! 6400 Stars 685 Forks 123 Issues 63 贡献者 MIT License C++ 语言 代码:https://github.com/jomjol/AI-on-the-edge-device 主页:https://jomjol.github.io/AI-on-the-edge-device-d...
该项目基于 ESP32 等便宜的硬件(不到 10 欧)和 TensorFlow Lite 框架,实现对仪表数字的自动识别和数据传输,轻松将传统设备(水表、燃气表、电表)改造成智能设备。 收录于: 第106 期 标签: AI 趣味 ESP32 硬件 评论 没用过 用过 评分: 发布 暂无精选评论...
AI-on-the-edge-device This is an example of Artificial Intelligence (AI) calculations on a very cheap hardware. Details on function, installation and configuration can be found on the Wiki Page A 3d-printable housing can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4571627 Donate If you...
This project demonstrates edge computing using theESP32, a low-cost, AI-capable device, to digitize your analog meters—whether water, gas, or electricity. With affordable hardware and simple instructions, you can turn any standard meter into a smart device. Let's explore how to makeAI on th...
AI-on-the-edge-device This is an example of Artificial Intelligence (AI) calculations on a very cheap hardware. Details on function, installation and configuration can be found on the Wiki Page A 3d-printable housing can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4573481 (Water Meter)...
On-device generative AI brings many exciting advantages, including cost, privacy, performance and personalization – offering significant enhancements in utility, productivity and entertainment with use cases across industries, from the commonplace to th
which can run all four chips using a single software framework — a capability of DEEPX that other global AI chip companies do not offer. Since its inception, this has been DEEPX’s strategy for addressing the fragmented on-device AI market, giving the bran...
Query the Azure AI services container running on your IoT Edge device from any browser Request URLPurpose http://<<your-ipaddress>>:5000/The container provides a home page. http://<<your-ipaddress>>:5000/statusRequested with an HTTP GET, to validate that the container is running ...
The trillion-dollar semiconductor industry is on the brink of a fresh phase of expansion, driven by advancements in AI, quantum computing, 5G, and specialized applications. OUTLINE Semiconductor device revenue is expected to retreat 7% from 2022 to US$534 billion in 2023. ...
Until now, however, CSA scopes have achieved bandwidth as high as 50 GHz through the use of sequential sampling, which reconstructs waveforms by acquiring one sample during each signal iteration that follows a trigger event.Dan Strassberg