WEB渗透测试工程师系统班230717期https://ke.yijincc.com/wechat/course/details/series?goods_sn -- -- 0:13 App [庆祝]2024 Python开发副业山顶会https://www.luffycity.com/employment-course/73/detail 15 -- 0:13 App 🔥🔥2024 路飞学城Python爬虫js逆向副业大王班1-5期需要的滴滴~https://www...
虽然课程名称是卷积神经网络和图像识别,但前期进行了大量关于Python开发环境搭建、神经网络原理等基础知识的介绍,适合初学者认真研读。 Deep Learning 主讲人:Yann Lecun 发布平台:法兰西学院官网 课程地址: https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/en-yann-lecun/course-2016-04-15-11h00.htm 课程评价:Yann Lecu...
* [使用 PyTorch 进行深度学习](https://www.manning.com/books/deep-learning-with-pytorch) - PyTorch 将这些超能力交给你,提供舒适的 Python 体验,让你快速入门,然后成长和你一起——以及你的深度学习技能——变得更加成熟。使用 PyTorch 进行深度学习将使这一旅程变得引人入胜且充满乐趣。 * [Deep Reinforcem...
此外,此视频还提供了在Windows/Mac/Linux上安装Python 和 R的安装教程,让大家可以在本地运行代码,并将代码推送到Github 存储库。 (6)IBM在Coursera 上开设的名为Machine Learning with Python的付费课程。 https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning-with-python 该课程包含了机器学习简介、回归、分类、聚类...
Natural Language Processing with Python: http://www.nltk.org/book/ An Introduction to Information Retrieval: https://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/html/htmledition/irbook.html 数学 Introduction to Statistical Thought: http://people.math.umass.edu/~lavine/Book/book.pdf ...
https://github.com/AndyYue1893/Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-With-Python 2.3 强化学习精要_冯超 ★★★(从基础到前沿,附代码) https://item.jd.com/12344157.html 2.4 Reinforcement Learning With Open AI TensorFlow and Keras Using Python_OpenAI(注重实战) https...
A Python Series of tutorials aimed at learning Artificial Intelligence concepts. This series of tutorials start from the basics of Python and builds on top of it. We will cover three full-fledged case studies to practice AI Implementation of Python with real data and solve real-world problems....
When learning Python, the most essential libraries to learn are: Numpy for computing and working with numerical data. Pandas for wrangling tabular data, or dataframes. When you’re already familiar with those libraries, you can explore other libraries needed for your projects. For example, matpl...
Data Engineering Course 5 (2818) Python Data Science Course 5 (76533) M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 5 (21145) Recommended Articles What is Data Science? Lifecycle, Applications with Example Updated on: Oct 17, 2024 Data Science Tutorial for Beginners Updated on: Oct...
Start with the basics and understand the foundational concepts of AI, its applications, and its future possibilities. Machine Learning Scientist with Python track. Explore machine learning algorithms and models, and learn how to implement them using Python for effective data analysis. Natural Language ...