文中的实验结果表明,第二种异构策略的效果会更好。 另外还有Wever et al., 2018[88]提出的ML-Plan,同样用了HTN planning来生成pipeline,使用best-first graph search来选择具体的pipeline。具体的搜索评估方式与MCTS很类似,从节点开始做random completion,节点得分为random completion中效果最差的分数。这个评估方法的...
TPOT以及后续会提到的ML-Plan有做过一些这方面的尝试,不过整体可以提升的空间还很大。 4 Meta Learning 人类学习新技能的时候,很少会从头开始,而是会借鉴之前类似任务的经验,重用一些技能手段,快速识别出新任务中的关键点进行快速学习。而目前的各种学习算法在这方面则普遍较弱,例如小孩子在看过一两次猫和狗的图片...
将其中的<TASK>替换为用双引号包围的任务指令。该方法可以获得模型推测的Plan和Next Action。若在句末加上(with grounding),则模型会进一步返回含坐标的形式化表示。 首先我们上传一张电脑的截屏: 然后问他:I'm looking for a software to "edit my photo with grounding" 我们可以看到,CogAgent给我们返回了edit...
英国脱欧将两个新词送上今年的候选名单:backstop和gammon。Backstop(后备方案)指在没有其他安排的情况下将会生效的体制,英国和欧盟未能达成"分手协议"的情况下的B计划(Plan B that would result if the UK and EU fail to reach a divorce ...
- Personalize weight loss plan - Helping you manage your eating window - Telling you what exactly you should eat in each meal - Wise weight loss method - Friendly reminders keep you on track - A step-by-step plan guides you to a good habit ...
+ Get personalized 90 day, 30 day, 28 day challenge like p90x for an extreme weight loss workout plan. + Boost your muscle building with the Muscle Builder Booster Free feature. + Reduce carbon footprint and save time and cost by working out at home. ...
Here's how I got it to create a weight loss plan, complete with calorie targets, meal plans, a grocery list, and workout plan 🧵: — Alex Cohen (@anothercohen)December 4, 2022 Cohen broke down his plan in a series of steps, calculating his personal health metrics, asking for meals...
planning as plan refinement: totally ordered plan: constructed by all the approaches we hace seen so far, consisting of a strictly linear sequence of actions cons: this representation ignores the fact that many sub-problems are independent partially ordered plan (an alternative of totally ordered...
achieving a 24% improvement in Recall@K=10 for TR and a 41% enhancement in tool accuracy for plan generation. https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.10332 另外几篇值得关注的论文 [LG] From Google Gemini to OpenAI Q* (Q-Star): A Survey of Reshaping the Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
From the bustling cities of New York and California to the breathtaking natural wonders of Alaska and Hawaii, we'll cover the pros and cons of each state to help you plan the ultimate American adventure. So, buckle up and join us on a virtual tour of the 50 states! What is trending ...