用了最小二乘损失函数代替了GAN的损失函数,缓解了GAN训练不稳定和生成图像质量差多样性不足的问题。 但缺点也是明显的, LSGAN对离离群点的过度惩罚, 可能导致样本生成的'多样性'降低, 生成样本很可能只是...
支持多训练框架及推理引擎,灵活连接AI硬件与软件生态 在训练任务场景中,除了支持 PyTorch、TensorFlow,FlagPerf 还在积极与 PaddlePaddle、MindSpore 研发团队密切配合。作为国产训练框架的领军者,百度 Paddle团队、华为昇思MindSpore 团队正在将 Llama、GPT3 等明星模型集成至 FlagPerf 测试样例集。 在推理任务场景中,FlagPe...
Object: Contains information that can represent numerical magnitudes, such as 2D bounding boxes, 3D cuboids, polygons, points, or any array of numbers that represent arbitrary information (e.g. steer angle and speed of vehicle at a given instant). Download: Download high-res image (294KB) Do...
, ls (<<folder_level_1>/<folder_level_2>) per elencare i file. Sono supportati sia '.' che '.', nei percorsi relativi. Il metodo glob() supporta il i caratteri jolly '*' e '**'. Il metodo exists() restituisce un valore booleano che indica se un file specificato esiste ...
$ distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) $ curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add - $ curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list ...
Les résultats de l’évaluation proviennent de jeux de données publics couramment utilisés pour l’évaluation des modèles de langage. Dans la plupart des cas, les données sont hébergées dans des référentiels GitHub gérés par les créateurs ou les curateurs des données. Les pipeli...
输入git clone^C,从GitHub 拉取源码。输入cd xFastTransformer/,进入其目录。 运行xFast Transformer推理优化引擎,还需安装依赖包。输入pip3 install -r requirements.txt在 requirements 文件中安装依赖包。 (4)运行 xFast Transformer 引擎 ...
train: weights=./weights/yolov5s.pdparams, cfg=yolov5s.yaml, data=./data/vehicle.yaml, hyp=hyp.scratch.yaml, epochs=30, batch_size=32, imgsz=640, rect=False, resume=False, nosave=False, noval=False, noautoanchor=False, evolve=None, bucket=, cache=ram, image_weights=False, device=...
(NGC) container catalog The main goal of this PoC is to demonstrate the successful integration of these components and provide performance benchmarks for multi-GPU and multi-node training workloads with a real data set, such as the Audi autonomous electronic vehicle (AEV) Audi Autonomous Driving...
Chip register level open, more detalils: MaixCAM-Pro or MaixCAM Maix-I K210 series is outdated, MaixPy v4 not support it, use it please visit MaixPy-v1 Who are using MaixPy? AI Algorithm Engineer who want to deploy your AI model to embedded devices. MaixPy provide easy-to-use API...