Charles Pfeil作为一名设计师和一家售后服务机构的企业主,已在PCB行业工作了50多年。退休后,他担任Expedition PCB公司的原始产品架构师和XtremePCB的发明者,最近还改善了Altium布线技术。(Barry Olney任澳大利亚In-Circuit Design Pty Ltd公司执行董事) 阅读原文查看,文章发表于《PCB007中国线上杂志》23年11月号,更多精...
Cadence Design Is Working With Renesas To Build The World’s First LLM Tool For Up-Front Chip Design The company sees this as an augmentation, not a replacement, for its portfolio of reinforcement learning AI tools that improve the productivity of chip design teams, addressing the most challengi...
Today, understanding the pros and cons is essential for making an informed decision about using AI for PCB design. With the pace at which development of AI software tools for circuit design is advancing, finding PCB design software without an AI engine may be the challenge in the near future...
Cadence Design Systems公司宣布了Cadence Allegro X AI技术,这是一种新一代系统设计技术,可在性能和自动化方面提供革命性的改进。 新的人工智能产品建立在Allegro X设计平台上,并通过该平台进行访问,为PCB(印刷电路板)设计提供了变革性效率提升,放置和布线(P&R)任务从几天减少到几分钟,与手动设计的电路板相比,质量...
serial process. “As designs became more and more complex, this process of PCB design has been progressively becoming more time consuming,” says Sen. “Placement is a significant part of what’s taking days of a designer's time in this end to end process. And it’s the same for...
From AI-driven IC and SoC design, AI-powered verification, PCB design to AI-based multiphysics analysis, and AI in molecular design, Cadence is harnessing the power of AI to usher in a new era of on-device AI IP and next-generation AI chip creation.
垂直场景工具 | Vertical Tools ⚙ Flux copilot by 生成式 AI 真的可以用来设计硬件吗?PCB 设计软件公司 给了我们一个答案。 将 Flux copilot 定位为「AI 硬件设计助手」,用以辅助进行图纸设计、新方案探索、物料清单生成以及审查和验证,可通过设计优化、效率提升、社区数据/经验查...
Cadence has employed AI techniques throughout its entire design tool suite, making chip design productivity increases become real in actual designs. Improvements in PCB Design Cadence has also applied AI techniques to its printed circuit board (PCB) tools. Allegro X AI au...
(ERI) is a moonshot effort aiming at “no human in the loop” electronic design, in which PCB design will be an obvious target. This could span new ML approaches to NP-complete problems, establishing electronic libraries of components, also ML applied to analysis and optimization tools across...