Using this tool will make it easier to convert PPT files in different formats. It will also streamline the process of customizing the presentations. Price As of now, there is not going to be a subscription plan for this tool. It will come embedded with the latest suite of WPS Office and ...
Vidwud AI PowerPoint Generator is designed for everyone to create slideshows in a cost-free way. You need to pay for nothing when creating AI slide decks with this tool. Do I Need to Install Add-ons to Use this AI Service? +
3. TestimAI 网址: 这是一款基于 AI 的现代 UI 测试工具,提供快速、低代码的编写和代码自定义、自我修复的 AI 支持的定位器以及用于有效扩展质量计划的 TestOps 工具,使团队能够减少测试并增加创新。 4. UIzard 网址: 一款创新的人工智能设计助...
7、StickerBaker| Make AI stickers 一个方便好用的AI 贴纸生成器。可以根据...
Vidwud AI PowerPoint Generator is designed for everyone to create slideshows in a cost-free way. You need to pay for nothing when creating AI slide decks with this tool. Do I Need to Install Add-ons to Use this AI Service? +
AItoZee AItoZee | 全能AI工具 - 您的AI创意乐园,AItoZee官网入口网址 Promptologer 无代码转化您的提示为收入,Promptologer官网入口网址 make real by tldraw 绘制UI并使其真实化,make real by tldraw官网入口网址 Lumina AI AI代码生成器,无限可能,Lumina AI官网入口网址 ...
Smalppt 是一个创新平台,提供人工智能驱动的解决方案,用于创建令人惊叹的演示文稿、思维导图和聊天机器人。借助 Smallppt,用户可以超越传统的演示工具,快速、精确地释放他们的创造力。 Smalppt 因提供一套全面的功能而脱颖而出,使用户能够在短短几分钟内生成引人注目的演示文稿。其人工智能算法可帮助用户创建具有视觉...
Creating presentations can be tedious and uninteresting, and It’s no secret that audiences often share the same sense of boredom during these presentations. What if I tell you that there is an AI tool that can make your presentation just by writing a simple English prompt? You guessed it ri...
FastCompany: Forbes: ...
This course introduces the latest AI tools and conducts operating guidance to help the users to make better, faster and more efficient presentation. 语言:中文 Language: Chinese 时间:3月27日(周三) 15:30-16:30 Time: 15:30-16:30, 27 March, ...