⛄️2$滑雪小游戏 📆TOOL 开发工具:Python版本:3.6.4 相关模块:pygame模块;以及一些Python自带的模块。 环境搭建:安装Python并添加到环境变量,pip安装需要的相关模块即可。 📆游戏规则: 玩家通过“AD”键或者“←→”操控前进中的滑雪者,努力避开路上的树,尽量捡到路上的小旗。 如果碰到树,则得分减50,如果...
Simply put, such applications or platforms use AI technology to complete the code you write to build a tool or software. If you are a developer or coder, AI code completion tools will help you write codes faster because there will be fewer keystrokes. Apart from this, these applications will...
的用户表示 Slack 改善了沟通效率*加权平均数。基于 2,707 份来自美国、英国、澳大利亚和加拿大的每周 Slack 用户调查回复,95% CI 情况下的误差幅度为 ±2%(2021 年 12 月)。 86% 认为他们的远程办公能力有所提升*加权平均数。基于 2,707 份来自美国、英国、澳大利亚和加拿大的每周 Slack 用户调查回复,95% CI...
文档中心热门产品: 文字识别 度目软硬一体 人脸识别 语音识别 EasyDL 新手入门 轻松五步,开启AI之旅 产品价格 计费说明及价目表 API文档 接口请求示例及参数说明 常见问题 使用过程中常遇问题答疑 基础能力 语音技术 语音识别 语音合成 呼叫中心语音 EasyDL语音自训练平台 音频内容安全 私有化部署服务 文字...
在这个例子中,我们会创建一个自己的数学导师,使用到 Code Interpreter 能力: # Upgrade to Python SDK v1.2 with pip install --upgrade openai assistant = client.beta.assistants.create( name="Math Tutor", # 助手的名字 instructions="You are a personal math tutor. Write and run code to answer math...
For Windows users, run the following at a CMD prompt to automatically download and install our CLI, the State Tool along with the AI CodeWriter runtime into a virtual environment: powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://platform.activ...
An AI coding assistant is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to help developers write code faster and more accurately. It generates code based on prompts or suggests code for auto-completion as you write code in real-time. Here are just a few things AI code assistants can do:...
Since 2010,over 20 million people in more than 180 countrieshave used Python Tutor to visualize over 300 million pieces of code. It is the most widely-used program visualization tool for CS education. As a preview, here is asmall exampleshowing recursion in Python: ...
这款AICoder PyQT5代码注释工具Demo是一个交互式应用,它扫描项目文件夹内的Python文件。用户可以选择需要处理的代码片段,通过集成的Qwen2 API,将选中的代码实时发送。注释功能配合智能分析,将代码内容解析并生成结构化的注释反馈。这款工具简化了代码注释过程,提高开发者的工作效率,支持实时在线协作。使用pyqt5做的代码...
Hi! I'll help you build a new GPT. You can say something like, "make a creative who helps generate visuals for new products" or "make a software engineer who helps format my code." What would you like to make? 自然人税费事项办理指引.txt ...