Oak National Academy has just launched AI tools for teachers to create quizzes and lesson plans – and now says it wants to help schools develop their own AI projects
As an AI homework helper app, Quiz AI offers a convenient quick scan feature that effortlessly captures the problems of math, chemistry, biology, physics, etc. and instantly analyzes the content and provides you with the most accurate answers.
Wooclap is presentation software that boasts a number of features for educators, the most recent of which is their AI quiz maker, Quiz Wizard. The tool uses AI to create multiple-choice questions, flashcards, and quality theory sheets. You can enter a single topic word, and quiz creation be...
Sign up for free. 2. Fillout’s Quiz Maker Fillout’s AI Quiz Maker tool can create interactive quizzes based on a single text. Additionally, it allows you to customize these AI-generated quizzes – you can add more questions, set the difficulty level, and even update the quizzes wi...
Yes. All you need to do is add in your topic and our AI quiz generator will make a fully optimized quiz for you in less than a minute. What is the best AI quiz maker? Opinion Stage’s AI quiz maker is a great option if you want to create a professional quiz. This tool makes it...
利用AI生成有趣的测验,AIQuizGen官网入口网址 GradesAI GradesAI是一个人工智能驱动的学习工具,GradesAI官网入口网址 CoolMindMaps 创建和搜索酷炫思维导图!,CoolMindMaps官网入口网址 Dream Kid 世界首款为医院儿童定制的AI故事创作、讲述和插画产品,Dream Kid官网入口网址 ...
Interact AI is an automated quiz creation tool that makes it easy to generate engaging quizzes. With Interact AI, you can create quizzes in minutes, without having to write any prompts or develop a deep understanding of AI.
今年2月,国外一家名为Quizlet的在线教育平台推出了接入ChatGPT的AI家教Q-Chat。随后,另一家国外在线教育平台Khan Academy推出的Khanmigo也接入了ChatGPT,同时也具有类似AI家教的功能。事实上,在接入生成式AI之前,一些在线教育平台就已经推出所谓的“AI家教“功能,只是以往的那些AI家教大多依靠推荐算法,推荐录制好...
Join 12,000+ businesses using Quizell to create quizzes, funnels, and forms. Capture leads, personalize engagement, and integrate seamlessly with top platforms using our no-code builder.
PoliticalCompass.io 是最全面的在线政治指南针测验。它为用户提供了通过回答一系列陈述来分析其政治观点的机会。结果以热图的形式呈现,并附有社会、经济、政府、外交和总体类别的五个平均分。 PoliticalCompass.io 提供的测验允许个人评估他们在政治领域的立场。它评估他们对一系列问题的看法,并提供他们政治意识形态的直...