译自Introduction To Plotly Dash, the Most Popular AI Data Tool,作者 David Eastman。Python 是数据分析,甚至在一定程度上是 AI 开发的首选语言。Plotly Dash是一款用于支持数据应用程序的演示图表工具。或者用他们的话来说,“Dash 是一个原始的低代码框架,用于在 Python 中快速构建数据应用程序。” 但与往常...
@register_tool('code_interpreter') class CodeInterpreter(BaseTool): description = 'Python代码沙盒,可用于执行Python代码。' parameters = [{'name': 'code', 'type': 'string', 'description': '待执行的代码', 'required': True}] def __init__(self, cfg: Optional[Dict] = None): super()._...
Now you’ve added your API key and your environment is set up and ready for using the OpenAI API in Python. In the next sections of this article, we’ll explore interacting with the API and building chat apps using this powerful tool. Remember to add the above code snippet to every cod...
5.与您的 MVAl pipeline 集成,可使用 Webhooks、Python SDK和 API进行身份验证、创建项目、导入任务、管理模型预测等。 7. Caffe 官网:https://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/ Cafe (Convolutional Architecture for fast feature Embeding)(快速特征嵌入的卷积架构)是一个开源的深度学习框架,最初由加州大学伯克利分校的Y...
当调用tool类的google_search函数的时候,谷歌的搜索结果将以文本(str)的方式返回。 importrequestsimportjsonclassTools:def__init__(self,google_search_api_key)->None:self.toolConfig=self._tools()self.google_search_api_key=google_search_api_key# 定义工具配置def_tools(self):tools=[{'name_for_human...
Python 和 Julia 开发人员可以将 Cogram 与 Jupyter Notebook 集成,以自动生成代码。该工具可以根据备注为特定作业提供上下文代码。数据科学家甚至可以使用常见的 Python 模块(如 Matplotlib、Plotly 或 Seaborn)来创建可视化。DeepCode 官网地址:https://www.deepcode.ai/ 支持语言:支持多种语言 收费模式:免费 Dee...
Teams:$125 per month for three users, billed annually Business:Contact for pricing 4. GrammarlyGO viaGrammarlyGO GrammarlyGo isGrammarly’s AI-powered content creation toolfor brainstorming ideas, constructing outlines, drafting, and even giving your old work new life. ...
Replitis another great AI tool for coding that focuses more on collaborative development. You can build software collaboratively from anywhere in the world, on any device, without wasting time on setup. One of the best features of Replit is you can even use it to generate code on your Andr...
官网:https://wukong.com/tool?state={%22query%22:{%22utm_source%22:%22ai-bot.cn%22}} 小悟空原是字节跳动推出的综合类搜索引擎"悟空搜索”,现已更名并转型为 A1对话助手和个人助理。通过与小悟空对话,可以看出其内核是与字节此前推出的 豆包AI聊天机器人同款,但相比豆包提供了更多开箱即用的预设工具,支...
AI ToolCommand Intel® Extension for PyTorch* (CPU) python -c "import torch; import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex; print(torch.__version__);print(ipex.__version__);" Intel® Extension for PyTorch* (GPU) python -c "import torch; import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex; prin...