translate [source language code] to [target language code]: [text]:将指定语言的文本翻译为目标语言。例如,translate en to es: Hello, how are you?将英文翻译为西班牙语。 translate to [target language code]: [text]:将文本翻译为目标语言,自动检测源语言。 例如,translate to fr: Bonjour, comment ...
curl -X POST "" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <client-secret>" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d "[{'Text':'Hello, what is your name?'}, {'Text':'I am fine, thank...
curl -X POST"http://localhost:5000/translate?api-version=3.0&from=en&to=zh-HANS"-H"Content-Type: application/json"-d"[{'Text':'Hello, what is your name?'}]" 備註 如果您在容器就緒之前嘗試 cURL POST 要求,您將會收到服務暫時無法使用的回應。 請等候容器就緒,然後再試一次。
只有在按下名为btn_translate的按钮时才会调用翻译管道。 if btn_translate: if English: else: st.warning("请输入您需要翻译的文本内容!", icon="⚠️") 2 个嵌套的if语句检查单击的按钮(如果btn_translate)以及英文文本是否为空,即变量English是否为空。后面使用text-splitter将长文本分成更小的部分,这样...
AITranslate is the ultimate language translation app that utilizes state-of-the-art AI technology to provide fast and accurate translations like a native speaker. With AITranslate: Text, Photo & Voice, you can easily translate any text, photo or voice message into your desired language with just...
Azure Dynamics 365 Defender .NET GitHub Microsoft 365 Microsoft Entra Microsoft Fabric Power Platform Purview Teams 浏览所有培训 职业路径 管理员 AI 工程师 应用开发者 业务用户 数据分析人员 数据工程师 数据科学家 开发人员 DevOps 工程师 功能顾问 标识和访问管...
ChatGPT: AI translation and human translation are two fundamentally different methods of translating text from one language to another. AI translation, also known as machine translation, is the use of computer algorithms and artificial intelligen...
NewTranx Browser Translator Plugin is an intelligent web translation tool launched by NewTranx Technology. When you browse a web page, it can automatically detect the page’s language and quickly translate it into the target language you set. 支持双语对照、自动...
Then, when you open a new web page or reload the current page, it will display both original and target texts after you turn on the "Translate" button. You can easily switch between monolingual (original or target text only) and bilingual modes by clicking "NewTranx Icon".You can also ...
string route = "/translate?api-version=3.0&from=en&to=fr&to=zu"; string textToTranslate = "I would really like to drive your car around the block a few times!"; object[] body = new object[] { new { Text = textToTranslate } }; var requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body)...