(1)告知 ChatGpt 你要使用的 PlantUML 语法规则 复制以下代码,发送给 ChatGPT 从下面的代码里,你学到了什么,这是一个 plant uml 规则. @startuml @startmindmap UML diagrams Behaviour diagrams Activity diagrams Use case diagrams State machine diagrams Interaction diagrams _ Sequence diagrams _ Communication...
三、用PlantUML格式生成 提示词:用PlantUML语法生成一个去北京旅游的思维导图 先用PlantUML格式,然后用http://app.diagrams.net转换。 把PlantUML复制粘贴进去即可 完成编辑后导出图片即可,可以导出为很多的格式:png、jpeg、SVG、pdf、xml等,按需选择即可。 好了,今天抛砖引玉的分享就到这里啦!希望老铁们能举一...
asset_name: str, asset_cost: float, useful_life: int, depreciation_strategy: str, depreciation_rate: float, salvage_value: float) -> Asset # Create a function that will take a string and return a datetime # Use the AssetBuilder to create the Asset and use the Funding...
可控地引导学生将部分课程和任务用 AI 辅助是可行的,但仍需限制部分课程的 AI 使用,以培养学生独立思...
Let Gen AI be your guide (when it comes to diagrams) It’s clear that when it comes to diagramming, generative AI is more powerful than just a data sifter. By giving you more time, more connections, and more ideas, it can help you make your best work. This could be a better produ...
Miro AI for Diagramming is a new AI capability that allows teams to generate diagrams from a text prompt. Whether you need to quickly visualize an Entity Relationship Diagram, a UML diagram or flowchart, Miro AI will help you instantly create diagrams that you can then edit in the canvas. ...
There are people experimenting with using AI to UML and C4 diagrams. AI will definitely play a role here. But I don't expect AI to have much of an impact on the rest of the process, which involves understanding and negotiating all of those human issues ... Unlocking the Power of AI ...
This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers ...
# Make sure to use type hints for the input parameters and return values.我们的内存实现将使用一个简单的列表来存储Assets。我们将能够执行所有 CRUD 操作。此外,Copilot 将为我们添加类型提示:让其他人知道它应该接受和返回 Assets。这就是BaseRepository[Asset]的意思:这是一个BaseRepository的实现,其通用类型...
输入上面的Chatgpt的Prompt指令,让Chatgpt生成PlantUML的代码指令,在diagrams上输入代码就能够自动生成思维导图啦[doge][doge] 特别适合那种主题演讲,活动策划,计划书之类需要思维导图梳理逻辑的,跟着Chatgpt生成的思维导图,让他接着完善或者自己完善,很快就能把思路清晰的方案写出来啦#一图读懂#每日知识图#ChatGPT#...