将生成的图像用作素材 将任意 AI 应用生成的静态图像用作 2D 剪贴画、数字处理、拼贴等传统工作流程中的素材,或者用作其它 AI 工具的资源,比如提供给图像转视频(image2video)工具来生成视频。除了作为图像和素材来源,这类技术还需依赖剪切和图像编辑等一些常用技能。 短片《Planets and Robots》中使用了数字剪贴画...
to move. S Pen traces the woman standing on the left and her shadow. Move it anywhere. The S Pen drags the woman’s image to the right side of the photo, facing the man. Adjust the size and angle. S Pen shifts a box around the woman to make her larger and rotates her to have...
light blush淡淡的腮红 cheek-to-cheek脸贴脸 cheek bulge鼓着腮帮 cheek pinching捏脸颊 cheek poking戳脸颊 cheek pull扯脸颊 chin grab抬下巴 covering eyes遮住眼睛 covering挡住脸 covering mouth挡住嘴巴 face-to-face脸贴脸 facing another二人面对面(脸贴得很近) forehead-to-forehead额头贴额头 teeth牙 excited...
But it did not. It mistook the end of the game for the beginning. “I would move my rook to R2,” it said. “It is generally a good idea to try to develop your pieces (move them out from their starting positions) as quickly as possible in chess.” ChatGPT is what researchers cal...
move chart动作演示图 relationship graph关系表 seating chart座次表 stats属性栏/状态表 collage拼贴画 column lineup小图拼接 bust chart胸围图 cropped遭到裁剪 fake scrollbar假的滚动条 head out of frame头部脱框 out of frame脱框 feet out of frame脚部脱框 ...
https://imagetocartoon.com/ Generated.photos 使用完全由 AI 生成的照片增强您的创意作品。通过我们分类和标记的应用程序查找模型图像,或通过 API 集成图像。我们把它分类成AIGC图像化身 https://generated.photos/ Krikey AI Krikey AI允许用户使用AI生成头像动画。它提供了公共图库、sdk、AI资产和定价,...
people, ask them and add them as close mate. When focusing, that person will be selected preferentially, and the makeup and clothing of the person will be detected according to the accurate image segmentation system. Different dressing styles will be recorded and different effects will be ...
. Obviously this can mean fewer paid opportunities for the artist in question, but it also opens creators up to reputational threats. You could use one of these style mimics to make it seem like an artist had crea...
Over the past two years, design app Canva has added a whole host of new AI features as part of Magic Studio, including text-to-image generation; tools that can remove unwanted objects, move them around, or even replace them with AI-generated content; and a Magic Design mode that automatic...
to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.// Use this method to pause ongoing...