We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI Presentation Maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless: you choose the topic, the tone...
Easily update smart art and choose from a range of stunning templates to enhance your presentation’s visual appeal, making it quick and simple to impress your audience. Customizable AI-generated PowerPoint Template Use WPS AI PowerPoint Generator to customize your templates easily, giving you access...
Let’s Enhance 一款简单易用的在线图片无损放大工具 Generated Photos 是一个专门提供人像照片的网站 Imagen 文本到图像的扩散模型 DreamUp AI插画生成器 Leonardo 用人工智能创建令人惊叹的游戏资产 AISEO ART 人工智能艺术生成器 海艺AI 免费好用的国产AI绘画 天才助理 一句提问,一张绘画 小冰智能 数字...
Benefits of Using DeepSeek PPT Beyond its features, this platform offers significant advantages that enhance efficiency and overall presentation quality. Whether you need to create a business report or marketing pitch, DeepSeek presentation provides a seamless solution. Thus, let’s explore the key be...
Top 3 PPT AI Generators in 2023 source: freepik alt: “ artificial intelligence landing page design for website” This is an in-depth guide on the top 3 PPT AI This is an in-depth guide on the top 3 PPT AI generators in 2023. Discover how to enhance your
The tool intelligently sifts through the Word document, takes into account the headers and text in your document, even looks at keywords, and recommends images, fonts, and other media tools to enhance your presentations based on your theme. Once exported, it allows you to make edits to your ...
Under the wave of digitalization, AI technology has gradually integrated into various aspects of teaching and learning in higher education. In order to enhance the AI literacy of faculty and students at XJTLU University and promote the application of ...
Advanced charts and diagrams:You can choose from classic options like pie charts to more complex ones like target diagrams. Additionally, you can use the “smart layout” option to insert blank graphics to enhance your presentation. Here’s an example of how to add a chart in Gamma App: ...
官方地址https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance 如图 注意: 使用该AI工具必须要用Adobe账号登录才行! 没有可以自行免费注册一个即可! 登录Adobe账号之后,点击upload按钮即可选择上传需要降噪处理的音频文件了, 目前支持降噪的音频格式有.mp3和.wav格式文件,最大支持1小时长度或是1GB大小的音频文件 真的是福利满满!
[5] Daugherty R P, Wilson H J, Narain K. Generative AI Will Enhance—Not Erase—Customer Service Jobs [J/OL]. Harvard Business Review, 2023(30),https://hbr.org/2023/03/generative-ai-will-enhance-noterase-customer-service-jobs.[6] Eulerich M, Sanatizadeh A, Vakilzadeh H, Wood D A...