一、迅捷PPT 一款自动生成PPT的AI工具,输入创作需求,即可智能输出高专业度的PPT大纲,使用方便又快捷,...
Gamma的向导模式首先生成框架,然后基于此框架创建PPT,这允许用户在PPT生成前补充框架内容,确保最终结果更加符合用户需求。 3、tome tome,同样基于AI技术,是一款网页版的演示工具,允许你在任何平台上展示工作和想法。只需在tome的编辑界面底部输入框中选择“Create presentation about”,输入主题,tome便会自动生成完整的PPT。
Free to use, no hidden fee Create Free Slides Now Sparkle with Features: Generate Free Engaging AI Slides Instantly Use Vidwud AI PowerPoint Generator to turn ideas into presentations adapted to your needs. Benefit from the striking features to create elegant slides in a snap, for free! Unlim...
Propmt:Act as a VBA programmer. Write me VBA code to create PowerPoint slides about the sports drink and hydration beverage category. think like a senior CPG brand manager and market researcher. use your knowledge and create at least 10 slides. 1. 从长文案到PPT提纲:ChatGPT的文案生成展示 Cha...
Free to use, no hidden fee Create Free Slides Now Sparkle with Features: Generate Free Engaging AI Slides Instantly Use Vidwud AI PowerPoint Generator to turn ideas into presentations adapted to your needs. Benefit from the striking features to create elegant slides in a snap, for free! Unlim...
Get started What is AiPPT? How to cancel subscription? What kinds of PPTs are suitable for AiPPT? Why choose AiPPT over Gamma or Prezi? Explore an innovative way to create presentations Sign up now
Get started What is AiPPT? How to cancel subscription? What kinds of PPTs are suitable for AiPPT? Why choose AiPPT over Gamma or Prezi? Explore an innovative way to create presentations Sign up now
Here are comprehensive guidelines on how to use the Al PowerPoint generator. As a result, you will be able to create a winning presentation.
Q1. Is It Safe to Use an AI Presentation Maker If I Create a PowerPoint Presentation for My Company? One of the major hurdles of using AI is the concern about information leaks, especially when dealing with sensitive company data. With the rise of AI tools claiming to offer ...
换成Copilot只需要两个指令——Create a "Total price "column以及Insert column,AI就能在几分钟之内,帮你完成。补齐表格该有的基本信息后,我们还需要建立数据透视表,对「行」与「行」的关系进行分析,输出可视化的图表,展示本店铺销量靠前和惨淡的产品,了解本店的核心购买人群。在Copilot中,创建图表的漫长...