“ChatGPT is a computer program that can understand and respond to humanlanguage like a real person. It canbe used for having a conversation or finishing a sentence.Even this sentence you are reading now, was written by ChatGPT.”
Computer vision Natural language processing Speech Decision OpenAI Cognitive Services is available as a set of REST APIs that applications can consume. Essentially, Cognitive Services includes off-the-shelf services that help you develop an AI-based solution quickly and with less specialist expertise. M...
Using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. Physiclaly holding a handset removes one hand from the controls, making accidents more likely, while dialling is even worse, as it also required the user to divert his or her att...
This is code for providing an augmented piano playing experience. When run, this code will provide computer accompaniment that learns in real-time from the human host pianist. When the host pianist stops playing for a given amount of time, the computer AI will then improvise in the space usin...
When it comes to workload design, you consider using machine learning when you have a situation where past observations can reliably be used to predict future situations. These observations can be universal truths such as computer vision that detects one form of animal from another, or these obse...
7折享Surface Laptop Studio 2 酷睿i7/16GB内存/512GB硬盘,加购享价值199元礼赠 Xbox Series S 目前为止拥有下一代性能的最小 Xbox 购买Xbox Series S 商业版 Windows 11 AI+ PC 商用版 借助Surface Pro 商用版 和 Surface Laptop 商用版 提高生产力、更快地解决问题并开启 AI 新时代。
autonomic nervous system /ˌɔː.tə.nɒm.ɪk ˈnɜː.vəs ˌsɪs.təm/ 表示“自主神经系统”,英文解释为“the part of the nervous system that controls automatic processes such as breathing, digestion, and the beating of the heart...
“label what matters.” maximize the value of your labeling budget by identifying the highest value data to label, even without ground truth labels. curate my data → apply ai generative ai applications easily apply ai to your most challenging use cases with pre‑built applications that harness...
The term “artificial intelligence” wascoined in 1956by computer scientist John McCarthy for a workshop at Dartmouth. But he wasn’t the first to write about the concepts we now describe as AI. Alan Turing introduced the concept of the “imitation game” in a 1950 paper. That’s the tes...
In simple terms, model temperature is a parameter that controls how random a language model's output is. A higher temperature means the model takes more risks, giving you a diverse mix of words. On the other hand, a lower temperature makes the model play it safe, sti...