[subscriptionId]/resourceGroups/[resourceGroupName]/providers/Microsoft.Search/searchServices/[serviceName]?api-version=2020-08-01 下列用戶端通常用來呼叫管理 REST API: 您也可以使用 Azure 入口網站 來管理搜尋服務。
Step I: Provision Azure API Management Backend Pool (bicep): Bicep CLI Install or Upgrade Bicep CLI. # az bicep install az bicep upgrade Deploy the Backend Pool using Bicep Login to Azure. az login Important: Update the names of the backend services in the deploy.bicep file. Create a depl...
az rest呼叫 命令以使用 Azure AI 搜尋的管理 REST API。 由於SQL 受控實例的共用私人連結支援仍處於預覽狀態,因此您需要 REST API 的預覽版本。 用於 2021-04-01-preview 此步驟』。 Azure CLI 複製 az rest --method put --uri{{search-service-subscription-...
此预览版 API 等效于正式版2020-08-01,并添加了以下功能: 添加了sharedPrivateLinkResources对两种新资源类型的支持。 新groupId值包括mysqlServer(Azure database for MySQL) 和sites(Azure Functions/应用服务) 。 2020-08-01 此正式发布版本添加了共享专用链接资源对除预览版本中记录的资源以外的所有出站访问资源的...
By connecting to Google Search Console, it identifies high-potential pages and offers personalized suggestions to boost traffic. It features content optimization, rank tracking, competitive analysis, and project management, all within a user-friendly dashboard....
The easiest way to create a search service is through the Azure portal, which is covered in this article.You can also use:Azure PowerShell Azure CLI Management REST API Azure Resource Manager template Bicep TerraformBefore you startSome properties are fixed for the lifetime of the search ...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the access control plane for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and Oracle Cloud Applications. The IAM API and the user interface enable you to manage identity domains and the resources within the identity domain. Each OCI IAM ident...
The client library doesn't provideservice management operations, such as creating and scaling search services and managing API keys. If you need to manage your search resources from a .NET application, use theMicrosoft.Azure.Management.Searchlibrary in the Azure SDK for .NET. ...
POST https://[service name][index name]/docs/search?api-version=[api-version] Content-Type: application/jsonapi-key: [admin or query key] When called with GET, the length of the request URL can't exceed 8 KB. This length is usually enough for most applicatio...