当时,各国领导人承诺以负责任的态度管理AI的发展。然而,随着第二届人工智能安全峰会(AI Safety Summit,2024.5.21-22,首尔)的临近,25 位世界顶尖的人工智能科学家表示,在保护我们免受AI技术风险的影响上,我们做得还不够。在今天(2024.5.21)发表于Science的一份专家共识文件中,这些科学家提出了全球领导人应优先关注...
邓碧文:AI的迭代式发展其实逐渐超出人类的预料和掌控,就在 2023 年 11 月英国全球AI安全峰会(Artificial Intelligence Safety Summit, AISS)发布了《布莱切利宣言》联合全球以制定AI安全等问题,这表明AI的发展已经在深度影响全球的人们,当然也包括对于艺术的影响。我想用生物学上“涌现”一词来描述技术的发展进程...
The AI Safety Summit (人工智能安全峰会) took place in the UK from Nov 1 to 2. People from different countries, AI-related (AI相关的) companies and organizations attended this event. A paper called the Bletchley Dec...
我们期待2024年再次会面。 【会议官网】https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ai-safety-summit-2023-the-bletchley-declaration/the-bletchley-declaration-by-countries-attending-the-ai-safety-summit-1-2-november-2023 协定签署国 澳大利亚 巴西 加拿大 智利 中国 欧盟 法国 德国 印度 印度尼西亚 爱尔兰 以...
The British government announced the next AI Safety Summit will be held in South Korea in May 2024 and a third event is planned for France by the end of next year. 英国政府宣布下一届人工智能安全峰会将于2024年5月在韩国举行,第三次活动计划于明年底在法国举行。
The British government announced the next AI Safety Summit will be held in South Korea in May 2024 and a third event is planned for France by the end of next year. 英国政府宣布下一届人工智能安全峰会将于2024年5月在韩国举行,第三次活动计划于明年底在法国举行。...
英国方面则率先完成了尖端人工智能技术人员的联通。2024年4月,英国与美国签署了一项具有里程碑意义的人工智能协议,该协议允许英国11月成立的新AI Safety Institute以及尚未开展工作的美国同等机构互相借调研究人员,以便交流专业知识。这些机构还将共同研究如何独立评估由OpenAI和Google等公司构建的私人AI模型。
BLETCHLEY PARK, Britain, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese delegation attending the AI Safety Summit in the United Kingdom (UK) has called for exchange and cooperation among countries on artificial intelligence (AI) safety and international governance issues. ...
“There’s no safety without China,” according to Sifted, “China was a key participant at the summit, given its role in developing AI. Its involvement in the summit was described as constructive.” European Commission vice president for values and transparency Věra Jourová, who visi...
Leading artificial intelligence companies made a fresh pledge at a mini-summit Tuesday to develop AI safely, while world leaders agreed to build a network of publicly backed safety institutes to advance research and testing of the technology.