在深度研读文献的过程中,AI阅读理解工具如Connected Papers、Explainpaper等提供了宝贵的帮助。这些工具可以快速提取文献的核心观点和关键数据,帮助研究者更加集中地理解文献的主要内容,提高阅读的效率和质量。 ①研究性阅读(Research reading) ②AI辅助阅读(AI-assisted reading) ③对比阅读(Comparative reading) ④图表速读...
I'm a graduate student confused about how to start reading research papers. Everyone says that you need to read a lot of paper being a research student. But until and unless you are with a guide get confused very fast (especially freshers). Enago Read bridged the gap for me. It provide...
更敏锐的思维和更良好的阅读习惯。下面这幅图比较了传统被动阅读(左侧passive reading)和主动阅读(右侧...
当然,如果你有阅读论文需求的话,SciSpace Copilot还有很多针对性的功能,都可以去一一体验一下。 官网:Discover, Create, and Publish your research paper | SciSpace by Typeset (需特殊网络) 10、Monica 和ChatPDF差不多,不过这个是嵌入到Monica插件里的。相比于ChatPDF,这里支持上传的文件更大,支持50M的文档上...
Is it illegal to use research paper AI writer? Absolutely not. You can use it as a tool to help you write a paper, generate ideas or essay structure, or as an additional source of inspiration. Having such a resource on hand will definitely be a benefit. ...
(Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers) 最近,一位博主以“pose estimation(姿态估计)”这一技术领域为例子亲身示范了吴恩达的论文阅读方法,并发布在Medium上,获得高赞。整理如下: 一、方法整体流程 ...
This paper presents the results of a pilot interview study investigating the leisure reading habits of 20 practising AI researchers based in the United Kingdom. The interview analysis yields six areas in which literature plays a role in the field of AI: research focus, career choice, community ...
(Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers) 最近,一位博主以“pose estimation(姿态估计)”这一技术领域为例子亲身示范了吴恩达的论文阅读方法,并发布在Medium上,获得高赞。整理如下: 一、方法整体流程 ...
One paper focused on how readers made sense of AIbylines. Readers were surveyed after reading the article about what the specific byline they received meant and whether they agreed with several statements intended to me...
We've got technology, science & medicine etc., but still where does this leave nature? Shouldn't we treat these creatures better than what they receive from us currently!? I am sure most of you reading will agree with me on this...why isn't our society helping out more?