9. Tome ViaTome Tome wants to be your go-to AI presentation tool. Tell the platform what you want to do with a simple prompt, and it will generate images, copy, and slides to help you achieve your goal. You can tweak every aspect of the design, asking the AI powered tool to change...
Why Simplified AI Presentation Maker is the Best AI Presentation Tool? Feature Comparison Simplified AI Presentation Slidego Canva Presentation Tome AI Free AI Generation Credits Yes No No No ChatGPT 4 Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Animated Presentation Using AI Yes Yes Yes No Presentation Background...
Tome is one of the collaborative AI presentation maker alternatives. It has a modern layout and an easy-to-understand flow for users. In addition, Tome has a fast and smart presentation creation system.In addition to the presentation on the screen where you enter the title, it also offers ...
No more spending hours on research and editing. Just tell Tome AI what you want and get your presentation slides ready in a few minutes. When swamped with work or assignments, Tome AI becomes your time-saving ally, guaranteeing engaging, professional, and top-quality presentations. Priced at j...
2)Tome:办公类中的子类别Presentation maker 类应用,主要功能包括一键生成PPT、PPT 润色等。曾于23 年9 月排名A16Z 发布的Top50AI 应用的第15 名和Alhackathon 发布的访问量Top100 的第67 名。Tome 提供现成的模板和主题、人工智能生成的文本和图像,以及用于添加动画、视频、图表等的工具。但由于其PPT 模版...
This AI presentation tool, which has been on the market for several years, surpasses in quality and functionalities many of the other recent tools that emerged and have grown very quickly, such as Gamma and Tome.app Example of Workspace View in Beautiful AI presentation maker tool ...
2)Tome:办公类中的子类别 Presentation maker 类应用,主要功能包括一键生成 PPT、 PPT 润色等。曾于 23 年 9 月排名 A16Z 发布的 Top50AI 应用的第 15 名和 Alhackathon 发 布的访问量 Top100 的第 67 名。Tome 提供现成的模板和主题、人工智能生成的文本和图 像,以及用于添加动画、视频、图表等的工具。
04.AI智能ppt制作 - Tome 推荐指数:★★★☆ Tome是一款注重叙事性的AI演示文稿工具。它能够帮助用户创建富有故事性和互动性的演示,特别适合用于品牌宣传、产品发布等场景。 功能亮点: AI故事生成:根据主题自动生成叙事结构 交互式设计:支持添加动画和交互元素 多...
Tome 是一款注重叙事性的 AI 演示文稿工具。它能够帮助用户创建富有故事性和互动性的演示,特别适合用于品牌宣传、产品发布等场景。 功能亮点: AI 故事生成:根据主题自动生成叙事结构 交互式设计:支持添加动画和交互元素 多媒体整合:轻松嵌入视频、音频等富媒体内容 ...
2)Tome:办公类中的子类别Presentation maker类应用,主要功能包括一键生成PPT、PPT润色等。曾于23年9月排名A16Z发布的Top50AI应用的第15名和Alhackathon发布的访问量Top100的第67名。Tome提供现成的模板和主题、人工智能生成的文本和图像,以及用于添加动画、视频、图表等的工具。但由于其PPT模版过于简易,且无法支持在线...