About usRead more about how we are commited to our mission, vision and promise. LeadershipWe’re a people-first company, led by experts who serve our customers. DiversityConductor is a space where people of all backgrounds and abilities feel they belong. CareersLearn more about life at Conduc...
如果你无法使用 ChatGPT,那么笔者强烈推荐使用Obsidian的Text generator 插件。Text generator 插件也是基于 OpenAI 的 GPT-3 模型,可以帮助你实现与 AI 聊天,效果与 ChatGPT 接近。笔者也测试过Text generator写 SCI 论文 title、abstract,甚至与国内 AI 写作工具对比,Text generator的论文写作能力非常棒,详情请看笔者...
插件功能的引入让 ChatGPT 从一个单纯的“大玩具”升级为一个功能丰富的多元化平台。通过支持第三方开发者为 ChatGPT 开发丰富的插件,用户可以根据需求挑选自己喜欢的插件,实现更专业、更个性化的体验。在过去的一段时间里,ChatGPT 已经在起草和编辑内容、辅助编程和学习新知识等领域展现出了巨大的潜力。而随着插件的...
ChatGPT和生成式 AI对安全团队来说是福是祸?虽然AI具备生成恶意代码和网络钓鱼电子邮件的功能带来了新的挑战,但它也为威胁检测、修复指导、Kubernetes防护、云环境等一系列防御应用打开了一扇大门。 Recently, VentureBeat reached out to some of PWC’s top analysts, who shared their thoughts on how generative ...
But that’s exactly what ChatGPT, or any other kind of AI, lacks. AI in essence is sequence of codes written by humans to make daily life better. AI does not have its own pursuit. It does not dream of improving the conditions for itself, which prevents it from progressing on its own...
Is Grok Better than ChatGPT? Elon Musk made a comparison between Grok with another chatbot by asking a question based on his recent interview with Joe Rogan, and based on the results he claimed that Grok has more real-time information as compared to the other one. ...
作为建立AI软件策略的一部分,OpenAI开发了ChatGPT,该策略将有助于公司实现盈利。今年1月,其战略合作伙伴微软披露将对OpenAI进行价值数以十亿计美元的投资,并表示计划将ChatGPT嵌入其必应(Bing)搜索应用程序和其他产品。 How do ChatGPT and other...
The most mature and most recent AI chatbots in big tech. OpenAI's ChatGPT is one year older than xAI's Grok — but does it score higher?
Chatbot Creation: You can add a ChatGPT-like chatbot to your website. AI Playground: This tool allows you to experiment with different AI tasks and capabilities in a fun and engaging way. You can try out a variety of tasks like translation, correction, SEO, and more. AI Copilot: This ...