and the foundation will have much more to say about AI in the coming months. The world needs to make sure that everyone—and not just people who are well-off—benefits from artificial intelligence. Governments and philanthropy will need to play a major role in ensuring that...
2010 年,哈萨比斯博士和两名住在英国的同事正在寻找资金来开始建造「通用人工智能」(AGI),这是一种可以做大脑能做的任何事情的机器。当时很少有人对人工智能感兴趣。经过半个世纪的研究,人工智能领域未能提供任何与人类大脑相距甚远的东西。 尽管如此,一些科学家和思想家仍然关注人工智能的缺点。 许多人,比如这三个...
A psychology professor finds out the hard way, UBC News, Generative AI tools like ChatGPT fuel fears about a white-collar recession, Insider,
一个支持我们不太可能通过 “scaling” 看到模型拥有更多能力提升观点的迹象是,AI 巨头的 CEO 们已经大幅降低[18]了他们对通用人工智能(AGI)的预期。遗憾的是,他们并没有承认他们对“三年内实现AGI”的预测是错误的,而是为了挽回面子,决定淡化 AGI 的含义,以至于现在 AGI 的含义变得毫无意义。从一开始,AGI 就没...
These nerve cells respond to light exposure coming in through your eyes to track the day-night cycle that dictates your body's internal clock, 这些神经元很好地感知眼睛里透来的光,以确定昼夜规律, or circadian rhythm. 维持身体的生物钟。 That steady rhy...
Artificial intelligence today is appropriately known as narrow AI (or weak AI) in that it is intended to play out a thin errand (for example, facial acknowledgment, web look, or driving a vehicle). Nonetheless, the long-term objective of numerous specialists is to make general AI (AGI or ...
AI(Artificial Intelligence)又称人工智能,用于模拟、延伸、扩展人的智能理论、方法、技术的科技革命。AI包含机器人、图像识别、专家系统、机器学习等方面。它是继蒸汽机时代、电气时代、信息时代后的第四次工业革命。 2024年AI已经开始崭露头角,有两个分支比较引人注目AGI、AIGC。AGI(Artificial General Intelligence)...
As the accelerated computing world congregates in San Jose, here’s a rapid (6:36) rundown of recent news from the world of HPC-AI, including: What’s coming from Intel’s new CEO, did D-Wave achieve quantum supremacy?, “AI Woodstock” GTC25 in San Jose this week. ...
Logan Bartlett: This discussion with Sam is a little bit different in which I pushed on a number of things related to artificial intelligence as well as where OpenAI is headed, given how topical it is in the news and Sam's perspective on such a leading frontier that is artificial intelligen...