GRAND strategy (Political science)MACHINE learningArtificial intelligence (AI) is considered a vital factor that will fundamentally alter the cybersecurity environment. AI technology is progressing much faster than expected, and AI-based security services are being introduced into the...
The United States on Thursday ordered the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to step up use of artificial intelligence to advance national security, in the first such strategy to counter threats from rivals such as China. The new National Security Memorandum, which comes a year after President Joe ...
Center for Security and Emerging Technology; Imbrie, Andrew; Kania, Elsa (2019). "AI Safety, Security, and Stability Among Great Powers: Options, Challenges, and Lessons Learned for Pragmatic Engagement". Future of Life Institute (2019-03-27). AI Strategy, Policy, and Governance (Allan Dafoe)...
美国国安局(National Security Agency,NSA)于9月28日宣布,将设立AI安全中心(AI Security Center)来监督美国国家安全系统中的AI能力发展与集成,以协助美国国家安全企业及国防工业可安全地采用新的人工智能(AI)技术。国安局局长Paul Nakasone解释,所谓的AI安全指的是保护各式的AI系统,以避免它们学习、执行或披露...
decades,protectingagainstnaturalandmanmadebiologicalthreatshavebeenincludedinU.S.NationalSecurityStrategiessince1995,andnationalbiodefensepresidentialdirectivesandstrategieshavebeenreleasedbyeveryadministrationsincetheClintonAdministration.SeeNationalSecurityStrategyofthe ...
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The Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) of Brazil has launched a public consultation to define a national strategy for artificial intelligence (AI) which ended on January 31, 2020. The national AI strategy is envisioned to focus on several main themes: qualificati...
For 40 years, the Aspen Strategy Group (consisting of former government officials, academics, businesspeople, and journalists) has met each summer to focus on a major national-security problem. Past sessions have dealt with subjects such as nuclear weapons, cyber attacks, and the rise of China....
但《国家网络安全战略(National Cybersecurity Strategy)》要求美国行政管理和预算局(Office of Management and Budget, OMB)制定一项计划,在十年内移除无法实施零信任架构战略的遗留系统。第二,资金和拨款:2022 年,美国政府在信息技术(Information Technology,IT)的支出中有超过一半用于维护遗留系统。从这些遗留系统中转移...
Gregory C. Allen at the Center for a New American Security has anew reportwith some interesting analysis and insights into China’s AI strategy, commercial, government, and military. There are numerous security—and national security—implications. ...