你可以在(https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/mcskin3d/)下载到这款工具,我也把它分享在这里 👉 点击下载 👈 在打开软件后,点击左侧的导入箭头把我们刚刚的皮肤导入,然后右上角选择Mobsàchicken就能在图中进行编辑。修改完成后,点击fileàsave as然后选择我们的资源包对应路径保存即可。 另一款是更加强大的...
Terrain GeneratorIn this coding tutorial, students will explore how to create pseudo-random noise using code. They will learn to create their own original digital artwork in the style of Earth as Art. The students will use JavaScript and p5.js to simulate a nearby geological feature, like a ...
skingenerator.io - 一个Minecraft皮肤生成器 生成Minecraft皮肤的稳定扩散模型工具 网站 7.7 直接访问 查看详情 Autonoma 一款利用人工智能技术生成代码文档的工具。 网站 8.0 直接访问 查看详情 动态转换 轻松改变消息语气的工具 网站 7.7 直接访问 查看详情 FactBox.ai 一款基于云端的工具,用于生成...
112 bs-community/blessing-skin-server Web application brings your custom skins back in offline Minecraft servers. 590 2022-12-10 113 flucont/btcloud PHP开发的宝塔面板第三方云端 584 2022-12-03 114 kcloze/swoole-jobs 🚀Dynamic multi process worker queue base on swoole, like gearman but high ...
Frontiers, China:AI for Analyzing the Completeness of Damaged Cultural Relics is an AI-driven cultural relic generator app that creates complete images and 3D models of damaged relics, assesses the condition of artifacts, and priorit...
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146 bs-community/blessing-skin-server Web application brings your custom skins back in offline Minecraft servers. 589 0 2022-11-10 147 Yurunsoft/mddoc 开源的 markdown 文档转 html 文档工具,它使用 php 开发,支持 php >= 5.4。它生成的 html 可以直接放在网站上,支持全文搜索、自定义 html 模版。