Strong feelings like “love” are not said in Japan but shown through actions. 2) Koi 恋(こい) Koi Love (falling in love) Koi is the initial feeling of love you feel when falling in love. Once you establish the relationship, most people would switch to the stronger word for love or ...
It should be noted that Freud’s explanation of the uncanny has gone through a phase of metamorphosis in the post-analogue era. Ravetto-Bioaioli (2019) has used the term “digital uncanny” to “explore how digital technologies…are transforming the meaning of the uncanny that Freud tied to ...
(benchmarked across four languages). The deployment on AWS supports scaling far beyond what was possible on premises. Scalable GPU resources easily increase throughput during peak workloads, meaning that no end user is waiting for a queue to be processed and no mission is left without adequate ...
The bubble question has merit, but in my view the better question about AI right now is, “What does it mean for the real economy over the long term?” For example, and likely to the relief of many, technological advancements do not necessarily come at the cost of employment. Rather, n...
The concept of processing fluency is usually defined as the ease of processing information or meaning; the greater the degree of processing fluency is, the easier it is to process information or evaluate meaning (Alter and Oppenheimer, 2008; Lee and Labroo, 2004). Fluency is thus the result ...
Japan’s fuzzy boom Nonengineering applications References & Edit History Related Topics For Students fuzzy logic summary Read Next 9 Britannica Articles That Explain the Meaning of Life Discover The 10 Greatest Basketball Players of All Time Titanosaurs: 8 of the World's Biggest Dinosaurs ...
In 1517 a Portuguese ship sailed through the Taiwan Strait, and the ship’s log recorded the words “Ilha Formosa,” meaning “Beautiful Island” in Portuguese. Formosa subsequently became the Western term for Taiwan. But the ship did not stop, and the Portuguese did not lay claim to Taiwan...
support for mobility, universal basic income, and adapted social safety nets could be considered and tested. The key will be to find solutions that are economically viable and incorporate the multiple roles that work plays for workers, including providing not only income, but also...
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Further, the study included respondents from the USA. It has been proposed that in Western cultures, a more significant proportion of information is conveyed by verbal content (Kitayama & Markus,2000) in contrast to cultures, e.g., Japan and the Philippines, where non-verbal cues play a more...