而多语言版本的电影(MLV),虽然能解决语言问题,但因制作成本高昂,难以广泛推广。配音成为一种流行的折中方案,但由于声音和演员口型不同步,常常显得不自然。 为了解决这一问题,唇形同步(lip-sync)技术应运而生。它通过生成与语音音频相匹配的嘴唇动作,实现语音与画面的完美同步。除了电影,唇形同步技术在当今短视频搞笑...
With "AI Lip Sync Language Learning", you can experience real conversation simulations, reproduced by AI lip sync. The app supports five languages (English, Jap…
AI Lip Sync The project started as a part of an interview process with some company, I received an email with the following task: Assignment Object: Your task is to develop a lip-syncing model using machine learning techniques. It takes an input image and audio and then gene...
TL;DR:we’ve built a state-of-the-art lip-sync model – and we’re building towards real-time face-to-face conversations w/ AI indistinguishable from humans 🦾 try our playground here:https://app.synclabs.so/playground how does it work?
App 全新Ai对口型!上传视频+语音合成数字人说话 LatentSync 本地部署+整合包下载+Comfyui工作流 3.4万 6 17:50 App Wav2lip人工智能.AI根据语音生成口型。口播解说类视频的捷径 5786 0 01:03 App 任意一张照片,就能做出丝滑的高清对口型唱歌的短视频,而且全程免费,保姆级教程...
This project is a digital human that can talk to you and is animated based on your questions. It uses the Nvidia API endpoint Meta llama3-70b to generate responses, Eleven Labs to generate voice and Rhubarb Lip Sync to generate the lip sync. - taherfatta
LatentSync使用Whisper将梅尔频谱图转换为音频嵌入,并通过交叉注意力层将其添加到U-Net中。参考帧和掩码帧与噪声潜在变量相结合,作为U-Net的输入。 在训练过程中,研究人员一步从预测的噪声中估计出干净的潜在变量,并对其进行解码以获得干净的帧。在像素空间中应用TREPA、LPIPS和SyncNet损失函数。 本文由[mdnice](...
Lip Sync is only available to Pika Lab users who are subscribed to the Pro plan which costs $58 per month. As demonstrated in theexample video, the feature is not yet perfect but it’s another step forward and will satisfy some filmmakers. ...
The lip sync technology developed by LipDub.AI also works well on CG characters. “It’s just not lip syncing. We don't want a cardboard cutout. It needs to be dynamic. So expression -- Is the character happy? Is the character sad? We need to make sure we maintain the integrity of...
LipDub Offers AI-Powered Lip Sync and Video Translation, With the Thrill of Speed Jonathan Bronfman delivered a keynote speech at the T-EDGE Conference.AsianFin – When it comes to video production, “expensive” or “time-consuming” are some of the words that pop up first. No wonder ...