Deep learning is a technology that can take a huge amount of data within one single domain and learn to predict or decide at superhuman accuracy. For example, if we show the deep learning network a massive number of food photos, it can recognize food such as hot dog or no hot dog. 深...
We talked about the axis of creativity, and certainly that is one possibility, and now we introduce a new axis that we can call compassion, love, or empathy. Those are things that AI cannot do. So as AI takes away the routine jobs, I like to think we can, we should and we must c...
Of course, no one can predict with any certainty where a technology as fundamentally unpredictable as ai will take humans. Runaway growth is not impossible; nor is technological stagnation. But you can still think through the possibilities. And, so far at least, it seems as though Fogel’s ...
首先,简要说明什么First, a short description of what AI 是AI is:应用数学和软件代码来教计算机如何以类似于人类的方式理解、综合和生成知识。AI 是一种与其他任何计算机程序一样的计算机程序——它运行、接受输入、处理并生成输出。人工智能的输出在广泛的领域都很有用,从编码到医学到法律再到创意艺术。与任何...
Nobody knows how to calculate when that will happen. 没有人知道如何计算这一刻何时会到来。 My wild guess is that it will happen after zero to two more breakthroughs the size of transformers. 我大胆猜测,会在Transformer模型大小再突破零至两次之后到来。
“Does the human soul exist as a form of quantum or another form of higher dimensional space?" I believe that recent advances in AI, such as computers winning at chess and Go, show that there is no essential difference between the human brain and a computer. Contrary to the opinion of ...
Aprimary disadvantage of AIis that it is expensive to process the large amounts of data AI requires. As AI techniques are incorporated into more products and services, organizations must also be attuned to AI's potential to create biased and discriminatory systems, intentionally or inadvertently. ...
use your minds and hands and your hearts to build something bigger than yourselves. Always remember there is no idea bigger than this. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “All life is interrelated. We are all bound...
I believe that recent advances in AI, such as computers winning at chess and Go, show that there is no essential difference between the human brain and a computer. Contrary to the opinion of my colleague Roger Penrose. Would one say...
Will societies learn to adapt to AI images and look deeper into their origins as a reflex? Only time will tell. But the nagging thing for me that makes me think that AI art may not just be another tool is that this is the first technology that isn't static; it can actually learn. ...