In the medical field, the AI team from HUAWEI CLOUD working specifically on applications for healthcare industry cooperated with the KingMed Diagnostics in 2018 and made a breakthrough in the field of cervical cancer pathology. The sensitivity (true positive rate) exceeds 99%. The results from th...
ErikR.RanschaertSergeyMorozovPaulR.Algra,“ArtificialIntelligenceinmedicalimaging-Opportunities,ApplicationsandRisks”,Springer. SergioConsoliDieagoReforgiatoRecuperoMilanPetkovic,“DataScienceforHealthcare-MethodologiesandApplications”,Springer. Dac-NhuongLe,ChungVanLe,JolandaG.Tromp,GiaNhuNguyen,“EmergingTechnologies...
Artificial Intelligence has probably become one of the most talked-about topics of the planet in the last year, partially as a result of the significant advances in capability demonstrated by ChatGPT, and other such tools. The talk w...
“Medical Image Synthesis with Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks”(268次) “DeepVessel: Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Deep Learning and Conditional Random Field”(245次) “3D Deeply Supervised Network for Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Volumes”(186次) “Accurate Pulmonary Nodule Detec...
Our work advances the field of human-computer collaboration in medicine by developing a multimodal XAI that generates human-like explanations to support its decisions and evaluating its influence on clinicians. The EU Parliament recommends that future AI algorithm development should involve continual collab...
摘要:In the medical field, landmark detection in MRI plays an important role in reducing medical technician efforts in tasks like scan planning, image registration, etc. First, 88 landmarks spread across the brain anatomy in the three respective views -- sagittal, coronal, and axial are ...
, especially in healthcare settings. He specializes in non-standard fuzzy sets, like type-2 fuzzy sets, to model these reasoning processes. Additionally, he is interested in complex data analysis, data mining, clustering, classification, and implementing decision support systems in medical contexts....
“Medical Image Synthesis with Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks”(268次) “DeepVessel: Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Deep Learning and Conditional Random Field”(245次) “3D Deeply Supervised Network for Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Volumes”(186次) ...
The influence of infiltration under static scenario is evaluated using two different approaches, and the soil parameters for these evaluations are determined by field and laboratory tests. Finally, the effect of the rainfall infiltration processes on the landslide hazard assessment of evaluated unsaturated...
In LangGPT, variables are denoted by "<>". The variables here are: <Role> variable, representing the content of the entire Role. <Rules> variable, representing the rules in the ## Rules section. <Language> variable, representing the value of the Language field. Markdown's hierarchical stru...