KPMGglobal AI in finance reportTransforming into a new era with the AIempowered finance functionKPMG. Make the Differenc
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF) is a scholarly peer-reviewed conference that aims to bring together researchers from both academia and industry to share challenges, advances, and insights on the impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machin...
The paper also includes reflections on two articles, which are in finance and AI perspectives respectively. 1 Background introduction 1.1 Company choice In the project, we choose two companies to monitor their developments by time which are Sensetime and Yewno, in addiction to that, we also ...
AI4Finance Foundation A Nonprofit Organization Dedicated to Advancing AI in the Finance Industry through Promoting Better Standardization and Open-Source Tooling. Verified 4.4kfollowers New York City @AI4FinanceFound company/ai4finance-foundation...
Finance on Generative AI in Finance and aims to provide authors with valuable insights from the editorial team prior to submission. Whether you're looking to contribute your latest research or gain new perspectives in the field, this workshop is the ideal platform. The workshop will take place...
I introduced a good AI for finance, an artificial market (an agent-based model for a financial market) to design a financial market that works well, and a bad AI for finance, an AI trader that discovers how to manipulate markets through learning in an artificial market. First, I describe...
AI in Finance. Explainability and trustworthiness of AI systems used in Finance. Infrastructure to support AI research in Finance. Robustness, security, and privacy of AI systems in Finance. Computational regulation and compliance in Finance. Machine Learning for pricing, trading, and portfolio ...
This paper delves into the intricate relationship between AI applications in finance and the regulatory environment governing them. We explore the current regulatory landscape, identifying key areas of concern such as data privacy, ethical use of AI, transparency, and accountability. Through a ...
However, at a kid's birthday party one Saturday, a dad, who works in finance, came up to me and asked howmy WSJ bestselling bookwas doing. I told him nonchalantly that it was doing fine. Then he asked me when my next book was coming out. I told him probably sometime next yea...