本社区是微软亚洲研究院(Microsoft Research Asia,简称MSRA)人工智能教育团队创立的人工智能教育与学习共建社区.在教育部指导下,依托于新一代人工智能开放科研教育平台,微软亚洲研究院研发团队和学术合作部将为本社区提供全面支持。我们将在此提供人工智能应用开发的真实案例,以及配套的教程、工具等学习资源,人工智能领域的...
Education & Learning Speakingclubai Speaking Club AI Visit Welcome to Speaking Club AI - the ultimate language learning tool for anyone looking to improve their speaking skills in a foreign language. With Speaking Club AI, you can practice your conversation skills with a personalized AI language pa...
2.同时,教师可尝试继续选择“Famous quotes on the same topic”或“Essential vocabulary”,将主题设置为“education”,网站将自动提供相关的名人名言及词汇,为学生写作提供语料支持。 图片来源:网页截图 12作业批改助手 工具地址:https://www.doubao.com/ 将作业的文字或者图片发给他,就能够帮你去批改作业。经常需要...
The implementation of AI and Generative AI in learning space not just improves the learning processes but inspires critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With AI deeping its roots in the education segment, AI-powered applications are adopted widely, making education more accessible and effectiv...
Elegant Education Pack for Students Generate presentations in minutes We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI Presentation Maker to give you a ha...
Templates suitable for various presentation needs (business, education, marketing, etc.) Ready-to-use designs that save time and effort in creating AI PowerPoint presentations Visually appealing and impactful templates How it works: Visit the SlideModel website and browse through their template library...
Previous studies on AI were predominantly focused on secondary and university education; however, research on the Artificial Intelligence curriculum in early childhood education is scarce. Due to the lack of conformity on the standardisation of AI curriculum for early childhood education, this study ...
美国高中教师 Larry Ferlazzo 于《Education Week》上发表《19 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Your Classroom》,文章指出 ChatGPT 可用于作文反馈、头脑风暴、扮演辩论对手、个 性化课堂测验、生成写作提示等,而其中部分应用已经被 K-12、高校等教育机构运用于教 学实践中,反馈较为积极;而语言学习软件平台 Duolingo 在其...
EDUCATION 拥抱AI 赋能教育 生成式AI工具辅助教学 如果我们用过去的方式教育现在的孩子,就是在剥夺他们的未来。 ——约翰·杜威 人工智能的快速迭代又一次刷新了人们的认知。从ChatGPT到Sora,面对来势汹汹的技术革新,我们必须有拥抱变化的定力...
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