patience ai 有500多个免费模型和风格可以用来生成图像 clio image maker 包括Stable Diffusion在内5种文本生成图模型,可选1000多种风格 2ai 免费试用 Open Journey,Epic Diffusion,Rev Animated ,NeverEnding Dream2,Pixar Style,Pastel Mix等模型来根据输入文本生成图像。也能使用类似ChatGPT的聊天应用,后期将支持文本...
Fotor 是一个一站式图片编辑和设计平台,提供有诸多 AI 驱动的图片编辑工具,图片扩展器(Image Extender)就是其中一个。Fotor 的图片扩展器允许你进行图片内部的 AI 修复绘制(AI Inpainting)和图片外部的扩展绘制(AI Outpainting)。内部修复绘制(AI Inpainting):使用Fotor AI Magic 工具在抹掉图片上你希望重新创作的部...
例如,你可以用ChatGPT 或者这软件自带的HayoAI,输入各种文本,获得各种回答;用Stable Diffusion、Midjourney生成图像;用OpenAI Translator翻译;用Riffusion生成音乐音效;用Codeium生成程序代码。 HayoAI集成了几百款AI工具 我用后的感觉是,搜索引擎真的没啥用了。未来做游戏,门槛会因此大大降低,工作效率会成倍增加。 ...
How to get the Blood Shield Invisible Woman skin in Marvel Rivals Jacob Woodward1 day Season 1 of Marvel Rivals has introduced a plethora of exciting new content, including Invisible Woman alongside Mister Fantastic as playable heroes. The Malice skin for Invisible Woman has been... ...
传送门 MiniSterAI整合了ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion 和 Midjourney等绘图工具,免费试用。根据关键词的输入和绘画风格的选择就可以生成一幅自己满意的画作,同时用户还可以提交参考例图,或者参考一些精品图画的关键词 唯一缺点是需要使用谷歌账号或者手机号登录使用。实测,绘画功能人多时需要排队等待...
Persona images generated by UXPressia’s AI image maker Mapping the journey When using ChatGPT, it's important to remember that AI can’t do all the work for you. One of the central values of building a map is the process of collaboration within the team. It’s when you raise importan...
Just type in your desired prompt and click the Generate button, and within seconds, you'll have four awesome image options to choose from. If you're familiar with OpenAI's ChatGPT, you'll find the interface familiar since it's built by the same team. ...
免费的Chrome扩展程序,使用ChatGPT AI根据您输入的几个关键字生成电子邮件或回复。目前支持 Gmail。支持所有流行语言,只需在文本提示中提及即可。 Ortto Ortto AI helps you write high performing email subject lines, engaging SMS and email content from just an outline. It’s intelligenc...
Connect your data sources, set up some data views (i.e. SQL scripts), configure a GPT Assistant, create a Custom ChatGPT, and share it with your users, employees, or customers!More Information and PricingSee All 💻 Code & Database Assistant Applications on AI Collection...
ChatGPTmaker OpenAI unveiled its latest and most powerfulartificial intelligence (AI)model called GPT-4 Turbo at its developer conference Monday, in a move that could help the startup push ahead of the competition from tech giants.1 Microsoft-backed (MSFT) OpenAI said its GPT-4 Turbo, w...