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网址: 2picarta 使用 AI 搜索照片位置 网址: 3TIB...
Huffman accused Microsoft of training its AI on Reddit data scraped through Bing, as well as turning around and selling that data through the Bing API. Reddit searches being pulled, it seems, was largely just a byproduct of blocking that process, although the company also wasn’t happy about...
然而,Reddit的发言人告诉Engadget,其他搜索引擎未能达成与Reddit关于人工智能数据训练的协议,因此被阻止访问其内容。 具体来说,Bing的排除据称是因为微软拒绝接受Reddit关于人工智能数据使用的特定条款,这与Reddit的数据隐私政策存在冲突。与此同时,DuckDuckGo等搜索引擎尝试搜索Reddit时,只能生成空白结果或仅显示一条简短的注...
Microsoft’s Bing is undergoing a major change, partnering Reddit and using AI to try and take on Google. New features include the ability to summarise the two opposing sides of contentious questions, and another that measures how many reputable sources are behind a given answer. ...
Photosonic is a text-to-image art generator part of the Writesonic suite of AI tools. This AI text-to-image tool converts your text prompt into images with style. Still-life photography, 3D images, animal portraits, cityscapes, abstract art, and more can be created from a few lines of...
一位Reddit用户表示,当他们询问必应是否认为它有感知能力时,收到了这样的回复。(Reddit: Alfred_Chicken) 一些必应用户也见到该聊天机器人称自己为悉尼(Sydney),微软说这曾经是该聊天机器人的一个内部代号,后来正在逐步淘汰。 微软本周在给美国科技新闻网The Verge的一份声明中说,它“预计系统在这个预览期可能会犯错...
DALL-Eis OpenAI's image generator that creates images and art from a simple text prompt.DALL-Ecan also make realistic edits to images using a caption. It can remove components and change image texture, for example. It can also create several variations of an existing image based on the origi...
"UnSeg: One Universal Unlearnable Example Generator is Enough against All Image Segmentation." NeurIPS (2024). [paper] [code] [2024.10] AM-SAM: Yuchen Li, Li Zhang, Youwei Liang, Pengtao Xie. "AM-SAM: Automated Prompting and Mask Calibration for Segment Anything Model." ArXiv (2024)....
The more advanced AI system is now available for free in Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator. DALL-E 3 builds on previous DALL-E models, generating images from text prompts that Microsoft describes as more realistic and creative. Microsoft states the new system delivers “enhancements that improve...